Monday, June 29, 2015

Practice makes perfect

Tonight we worked with Bella some more so she can practice riding her bike. Instead of using Sofia's old bike, like the last few days, we moved to the smaller one that she had been riding with training wheels. Since we were practicing starting and stopping, the smaller, lighter bike worked better for her. She is really getting the hang of it.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Last summer was the best summer ever. This summer, on the other hand, has been quite full, hectic and stressful. And it is all because of work. The girls are having a great time with Isabel, and we are definitely doing stuff as a family, but it feels rushed - as if we were just barely squeezing it in. I really don't like that feeling. Even at night, as I am putting Bella to sleep, I feel like I need to rush so I can come back down and keep working, just to stay afloat. It is all because I care about doing well and not being a slacker. But some days I really wish I wasn't that way.

Jeep rides

When I got the girls the Barbie Jeep, I knew they would have fun with it - with or without battery. Today, for instance, Sofia and her friend Maggie attached it to the back of their bikes with jump ropes, and started their "Jeep rides" business. They pulled Bella around - for free I suppose - and then made $2 pulling other little ones on the street.

Catching up

This morning, for the very first time in a long time, I woke up and didn't rush to go anywhere. Instead, I finally posted all the blog posts I started in the last few weeks, but didn't have time to finish and upload. I hope the family enjoys them.

Freezing swim meet

27 Jun

Earlier today the girls had a swim meet, but the weather was terrible. Completely unseasonably cold for late June. I was freezing, and I wasn't even the one wearing a swimsuit. We brought blankets and sweaters, but still ... It was just plain cold. The kids hung in there though, like the true troopers they are. I believe most of the complaining about the weather came from us parents.

Museum center girl outing

27 Jun

Earlier this week the girls went to Museum Center with Isabel. Their new friend Maggie also came along. I am bummed that I couldn't be there with them, but I am happy  they had a great time and she sent me pictures. 

Swim Meet #4

24 Jun

Today is swim meet #4. By now the girls know the drill, and are doing really well. Sofia is improving a lot faster, probably because she is doing better practicing, but Bella is also enjoying the whole experience.

Bella's gymnastics show

24 Jun

Yesterday was Bella's year end Gymnastics show. It is always a fun little event, where the kids show what they have learned. They also get their medals, while everybody else applauds for them.

Bella rides her bike!!!

21 Jun

This evening Bella was finally able to ride her bike by herself, without the training wheels. She even was able to turn around a few times, which I remember was difficult for me. She rode it several times up and down the street. She was with me when she did it, which made me very happy. I have to say she picked it up fast, since we have only tried a few times (Isabel and us) now that we live in a flat street.

Evening bike ride

21 Jun

This evening I really wanted to go ride my bike, but neither Lionel or the girls wanted to come with me. Since it was Father's day I didn't want to insist, but I did go by myself. Even though it was hot outside, the path was 90% shade. And it was not crowded, so I enjoyed my time there. I ended up biking 11 miles, which was a great workout but also a great way to get rid of the stress of the week.

Dia del padre 2015

21 Jun

Today is father's day, so the girls and I went to see Lionel play soccer - something we don't normally do - because it was important to him. We then cleaned up and had lunch with the family, which I know not everybody is able to do. We are lucky like that.

Happy Birthday Gabi!

20 Jun

Today is Gabi's Birthday, and we went out to celebrate with friends. I wish I had taken more pictures, but at least I got one of the Birthday Girl.

Inside Out

19 Jun

Today Inside Out finally came out, and my mom, the girls, and I went to see it. I was really looking forward to it, but I was so tired from working so late the entire week that I fell asleep for  a few minutes. I was very disappointed about that. But I liked the part I saw, and the girls really loved it.

Swim Meet #3

18 Jun

Last night was our swim meet #3. Bella's old swim teacher, Ms Robin, came to see the girls, which was really nice of her. Bella was excited that she was coming, even though when she saw her she acted a bit shy. The girls did well. After the meet we went to Wendy's real quick to have dinner - since we hadn't eaten anything - and while there it started to rain. It was pouring when we headed home, but the girls were wet and needed a shower anyway.

And there goes the baby smile

18 Jun

Yesterday morning, during swim practice, Bella finally lost the wiggly tooth. I was at work, but Isabel texted me pictures.

Only 2 years ago...

Hard to believe but this picture, with those baby faces, is from just 2 years ago.

Church festival

14 Jun

Last night, after dinner, we stopped by a church festival for a little while. The girls had fun despite the heat and humidity (which was not the best for me since I was wearing pants) and it was good to support the church. But I've come to the conclusion that church festivals are not a cheap way to entertain yourself by any means.


11 Jun

Today we harvested 2 more things from our yard. Two tomatoes, and one yellow squash.