Sunday, August 30, 2015

The park

This afternoon, after taking care of all the weekend chores, we found the time to go to Juilfs Park. Bella loves that park. Sofia didn't really want to go, but once she was there she also had a good time.

10 miles

Yesterday morning I ran 10 miles. It was 10 very long miles. The first 3 miles were pure hill hell, and by the time I made it to 7 miles I felt like my left leg was going to cramp. I finished, but it definitely took everything I had.

Race for the cure 2015

Friday night we participated in the Race for the Cure in downtown Cincinnati. The weather was a little warmer than I expected at the start of the race (or walk for us), but it was very nice and comfortable when the sun when down. I was very happy to be walking with my mom and my sister, while Lionel hung out with Diego, Sofia and Bella at the park. By the time we left downtown it was already dark, which was nice because we got to see all the pretty lights around.

Parents Night

Aug 27,

This evening was Parent's night at Sands so you could meet the new teachers and/or learn about this year's routines. It appears that one of Sofia's activities from last week was to create a "newspaper cover" about themselves. Sofia's of course is quite colorful, and has some cute facts about her.

Health Plex Swim Team

Aug 26

Today was Sofia's first day of practice with the Seawolves, the Health Plex swim team. She seemed to enjoy it. I hope this will be a really good thing for her.


Aug 26

Today is my 17 anniversary in Cincinnati. Yes, 1-7. Time flies.

Welcome back drawing

Aug 23,

Bella welcomed me back from Chicago with this drawing. It is the two of us having a picnic. How sweet is that!

Last picture

Aug 23,

All good things come to an end,  so our trip ended on Sunday. This was our last picture together. Until the next time!

Chicago morning run

Aug 23,

Gabi and I went out for a morning run by the lake. She wanted 3 miles and ended up with about 5. I wanted 6, and ended up with 8.5. It was cool and cloudy at the time, and it even rained on us. But it was a good run nonetheless.

Chicago at night

August 22,

When we go to Chicago with the kids we are normally back at the hotel somewhat early. But since we did not have the kids with us, On Saturday night we went to Navy Pier to watch the fireworks. And since we were there, we also decided to ride the  Ferris Wheel.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Out and about in Chicago

Today we were out and about in Chicago. The weather was sunny and beautiful, and we very much enjoyed our girl time.

Friday, August 21, 2015


After some on and off planning, today we finally came on our Chicago trip. Unfortunately I had to work some in the morning, while we were driving, but after that it was time to have fun with the girls. It had been slightly over a year since I last saw my friend Perla - since she moved away - so it was great to see her again. We spent the bulk of the evening in the hotel room, just talking, which was perfectly Ok. We eventually got hungry and went out for dinner to a Mexican restaurant, where besides enjoying girl time I also enjoyed a delicious elote. Mmmmm, I love that stuff.

First day of school 2015

This past Wednesday was the girl's first day of school. It was beautiful and warm, and - the best part - they had a great day! Sofia was happy to see her friend Meghan again after the entire summer, and Bella liked her new teacher and started to make new friends. 

35 miles

Earlier this week, after my run, I made it to exactly 35 miles. I love round numbers. They make me happy.

14th Wedding Anniversary

Tuesday was our 14th wedding anniversary, and the last day of summer vacation for the girls. We celebrated the four of us together by going to the tennis tournament - something Lionel and I really like to do. The girls still can't hang in there all day, so we only stayed for 3 hours or so, but that was Ok. I was happy that we were together, that I didn't have to work, and that I didn't have to miss the tournament like in previous years.