Monday, March 21, 2016

Healthy foods

I bought this special edition magazine the other day when I saw it at Kroger. I am not done with it yet, but I am happy to report that so far, we definitely eat a lot of them.

Good bye winter

Mar 20,

Today was officially the first day of spring according to the calendar, but it didn't feel quite like it because it was still cold outside. So we did one last winter activity - ice skating - before we officially said hello to Spring.

Bella mami time

Mar 17,

Today, after work and school, Bella and I spent a little bit of Bella-Mami time outside. She wanted to draw with chalk, so we did.  We drew all four of us. You can't see very well in the picture, but she has a microphone, I have maracas, Sofia has a keyboard, and Lionel has a triangle. In our drawing we are a very musical family. She also rode around for a bit in her tricycle, which we still have so other kids can use it at parties. But of course it is too small for her anymore.


Sofia has gotten so tall in the last year or so!

Working from home day

Mar 15,

Yesterday Bella got sent home early because she had a fever, so today she was not allowed to go back to school just yet. I worked from home so I could be with her, and luckily we had good weather which allowed her to play outside while I worked. It made me sad not to be able to just spend the day with her, but I had stuff I needed to do. 

Staying home allowed me to end the day early to go vote at a time when it wasn't crowded. And since we picked up Sofia early I also took the girls to get some ice cream. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

2016 Heart Mini

This morning was this year's Heart Mini, and I ran the 15K. I haven't been able to train as well this year, between work, our trips, and hurting my neck, so I knew I would struggle a bit. But I also knew that I could do it. The weather forecast was rainy, and getting up early kind of sucked because of the daylight savings time change, but at least the weather held. It did not rain at all while we were running, but it was very muggy from last night's rain which definitely made the race quite interesting.  I finished though, and made pretty good time all things considered.

Old treadmill

This Monday we went to see a house for sale with some friends who are looking to buy a house, potentially on our side of town. The house had an old treadmill in the basement, among other old things, and I just had to take a picture of it. I think it still worked, but for sure it has seen better days. 

First ride

This week I let my Sofifi be the first person ever riding my new bike. I think it is still a bit big for her, but it made her feel special.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Our run

Mar 6,

This morning Zoey and I went on my 3 mile recovery run. She still got tired, but she crossed the finish line.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

10th Anniversary

Feb 21 was my 10th anniversary with P&G and I was able to pick something from a gift catalog. Many of the gifts were very blah, so I ended up choosing a bike even though I already had one. At least it is a different type. My old bike is a city bike, and this one is a mountain one. And I love the color. 10 years is a long time, and I have earned every bit of it, so I wanted a gift that would be memorable.


Today I saw this neck massager at the store and I just had to get it. It was very appropriate considering that for the last couple of weeks I've had problems with my neck. I was initially worried that something had happened to my spine, but as it turns out it is a muscle issue.  I finally got medicine, which helped a lot, and went to physical therapy. The PT told me the problem is actually with my shoulders, which are putting pressure on my neck, and gave me several exercises to help. Considering my line of work, with requires me to sit most of the day, I think these exercises will just have to become part of my routine. 


On Thursday night I went out for dinner and a movie with Gabi and our friend Rebe. We had a great time during dinner, but the movie - although good - was extremely stressful. When I got home I felt like I really needed a hug, so it was great to be welcomed by Bella's sweet note.  You can't see it very well, but in the second page she made a drawing of her as a baby, in her stroller, and me pushing her.

Swim lessons

After a long, long beak, Bella has finally started swim lessons again. She is going to Bear Paddle, a new swim school, and she is liking it a lot. She had digressed a lot, but she is picking it up quickly again. 

Sunday play date

Last Sunday Bella had an impromptu play date with her friend Linn. Her family just moved around here and had plenty of things and boxes to deal with, so we offered to take Linn for the afternoon. The girls played at the house for a while, and both went to Bella's singing lesson because Bella's teacher said that would be Ok - which made both girls happy. After the class, during our drive back, they both proudly sang the song they learned. It was a good day.

Sunday run

Last Sunday I went on a recovery run around the neighborhood with Zoey. The first mile she was very excited, the second mile she slowed down, and the third mile she totally dragged. But she finished her run, and tomorrow we get to do it all over again.

Kenlee reunion

Last Friday I went out for dinner with my old neighbors. We had been trying to get together for a while, and we finally found a date that worked for all. It was a girls night out, and we had a great time.

Animal research project

Bella got an animal research project, and last Friday all the kids did their presentations at school. The parents were invited, and luckily I was able to attend. Bella's project was about dogs - yes, a suggestion from me.  She got all shy during her presentation and didn't speak loud enough, but at least she got to share her pretty poster that she worked hard on.


The winter is almost done, which means it is time to start getting ready for our vegetable garden. Last year I didn't have much luck with yellow and red peppers, but this year the seeds I planted are growing strong!

A few other Feb memories