Sunday, November 6, 2016


Nov 3,

I don't always get to see Cincinnati from the other side of the river, but this week I did during a work dinner. It was a beautiful view.


Nov 3,

I always loved Math, and was always good at it. But when you haven't done certain problems in a while, your mind can definitely get blurry. Sofia came home with this one problem as part of her homework, and Lionel and I were really suffering. 

Carving pumpkins

Oct 30,

We almost didn't get to it this year, but we manage to carve our pumpkins right in the nick of time!

Sands Carnival 2016

Oct 29,

It's hard to believe, but this was the last Sands Carnival for Sofia. It hasn't fully hit me just yet, but next year she is moving on somewhere else for 7th grade. As for Bella, we will have to see what changes next year brings. Lionel thinks she needs to switch schools, but I am not ready to say good bye to Sands just yet.


Oct 28,

My Dad gave me this little guy, who most definitely has to come to work with me!

Halloween 2016

Oct 31,

This year the girls were too fast for me, and started trick or treating before I was able to take good pictures of them. So I had to settle for taking a couple of selfies when they finally made it back. Halloween was a total and complete blur this year for me, but they had fun!

Halloween Part 1

Oct 29,

Tonight there was a Halloween celebration at the club, so the girls dressed in their costumes. I thought it was a little boring - not many people to talk to - but they had fun. They did a hay ride, a golf car ride (which was the highlight of the night) and ran around for a while. 

Abuelito's Birthday!

Oct 28,

Abuelito said he didn't want cake to celebrate his birthday, and technically I respected his wishes because instead I bought him a tart. Without really planning it, all of us stopped by at the same time to wish him a very Happy Birthday!

New shoes!

Oct 26,

After the Queen Bee my right foot starter hurting, which I think was a pretty good indication that I needed new running shoes. This time around I also got myself some shoe inserts, which promise to keep Plantar Fasciitis at bay. After that, my first run was not really a run. It was a 5K sponsored by work. Instead of running, I decided to walk it with my friend Molly. It was a lovely fall afternoon and it fell great to get out of the building and get some fresh air.

Mami-Bella Night

Oct 22,

Tonight Sofia had a birthday party and Lionel went our with Jamie, so it was mami-Bella time. We went to El Ranchito for dinner because we thought it would be quick, and then - per Bella's request - we went back home to do crafts together.  It was a sweet time.

Bella Swim Meet

Oct 22,

Today was Bella's very first swim meat for the Seawolves. Only the two of us went, which was the right decision considering the place was pretty packed and there was barely space for me to seat. It was also hellishly hat in there, but at least Bella did really well.

Gymnastics Tour of Champions

Oct 21,

As a last minute decision, today I decided to take the girls to the Gymnastics Tour of Champions. Sofia really wanted to go, and had told me about it, but I just wasn't sure if I would have the time or energy for it. But alas we went, and had a lot of fun. Although I did feel guilty eating our greasy food (the only option there) while all the athletes spent the better half of two hours working and dancing their little hearts out.


Oct 20,

This evening we hosted a baby shower for my friend Jessica, who is due in about 3 weeks. Sofia decided to stay home, but Bella came with me. One of the two games we played was about making babies with play dough, which Bella really enjoyed. In fact, I think she had fun the entire evening being in the middle of it all.