Saturday, September 30, 2017

Saturday fun

Sep 30,

Today we did a lot, and were busy from beginning to end. That was probably a good thing considering that the weather started chili but really warmed up, and we are not going to have many more beautiful days like these. 

First I got up early to run 6 miles, then we had Bella's soccer game, then we went to the Amazing Family Race organized by the local parks, then we went to Creamy Whip (since it is closed after today), and even made time to buy the food for the week. And now it is time for us to sleep like a bear.

Night out

Sep 29,

Tonight Gabi and I had dinner with some of our girlfriends. I was really tired from the week, but I hung in there and it was a fun night out.

First day of violin

Sep 29,

A few weeks ago Sofia decided that besides the piano she also wants to start playing the violin. So I got her one (well, it is rented for now) and today she had her very first lesson.

Last creamy whip Friday

Sep 29,

Tomorrow is the last day Creamy Whip will be open for the season, so today was the last Friday of our regular routine.

Guitar Lessons

Sep 25,

Bella got a guitar for Christmas, and just now started an 8 week class at a local place. She is still not the best at practicing, but she is enjoying the class.

Sofifi time

Sep 24,

Today Sofia and I had some mami-fifi time while Bella was at the neighbors for a while. We also stopped by Target and, although we were not yet looking for Halloween Costumes, she actually found one.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Made it!

Sep 24,

Today we redeemed ourselves and made it on time to see the second half of Lionel's game. It was very hot outside, so I'd say that we deserve major kudos for that.

Diego's 6th Birthday

Sep 23,

And he is 6! ... which we celebrated with family time and watching a movie about Pele that even I (who don't really like watching sports very much) enjoyed.

Bella's Soccer Game

Sep 23,

After my 12 mile run I rushed back hoping I could still catch a little bit of Bella's game. Lionel and Tios were there too, and luckily I got there to see her play for a few minutes before she sat out for the remainder of the game.

Hottest run ever

Sep 23,

If last week's run was hot and difficult, today's run was basically pure hell. At 75 degrees, with plenty of humidity, those 12 miles were completely crushing at times. Glad that one is done and there are no more long runs before the Queen Bee.

Back home

Sep 22,

After a very long week for Lionel, the girls, and me, I was very happy to be back home!

Soccer game

Sep 19,

Tonight the US women's soccer team played against New Zealand and we had tickets. Unfortunately I ended up going on a work trip and missed it, but I am glad everybody went and enjoyed it for me. As it turns out, Adrian was also super sad when it was over. So sad, that apparently he cried all the way back home.


Sep 18,

Today the girls were off from school, so they setup a small garage sale at my parents' house. I knew that Monday would be a bad day for a garage sale, but I figured it was worth the shot and could potentially be a life lesson that sometimes, even if you are prepared and work hard, things don't necessarily go your way. But, instead of giving up, you simply try again.

Better late than never

Sep 17,

Ok, so we miscalculated and showed up to Lionel's game 5 minutes before it ended, but better late than never!

Dividend day 2017

Sep 16,

It is hard to believe, but today was already our 12th Dividend Day. I always take pictures of the girls on the carousel, because I have pictures of them since they were babies, but as it turns out this year Sofia was too tall to ride on an animal anymore. Also, for the first time we did not pick up our company gift but for a very good reason. Any gift that was not picked up would be donated to the Harvey or Irma hurricane victims. It is fun to get the gift and see what is in it, but it is even better to be able to help others who need it.