Sunday, December 30, 2018


Dec 30,

It seems just fitting that in a year that seriously tested my resilience, in multiple ways, I am spending the last few days sick as a dog. Good job 2018 kicking my butt.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Festival of lights 2018

Dec 22,

Cold or not, we continue to keep the tradition alive. 

Family photo shoot

Dec 22,

This morning we had a full on family photo shoot and, surprisingly, survived it without any major kid drama. The photographer was very patient and friendly, so I am confident we  got some good photos out of it.

Ladies night out

Dec 21,


Dec 21,

Zoey looks so happy to be with her daddy in this picture.

Friends Night Christmas Exchange 2018

Dec 20,

15+ years and counting!

Sands Winter Concert

Dec 20,

Tonight was the Sands Winter Concert and it included a few songs by the Choir, which Bella is part of. Poor Lionel had to stay at home, because we were hosting friends and somebody had to be there, but Sofia, my mom, and I went. They did a very good job and Bella looked very cute in her Christmas Sweater and Santa hat.


Dec 17,

Winter view. No leaves left on the trees.

Sunday, December 16, 2018


Dec 16,

Today we had a Posada at our friends' house and we were in charge of the Pinata. There were a couple of new familes there and one of them had a little girl about Bella's age, which she appreciated. We got lucky with the weather because it was not as cold as it could have been, and it wasn't raining at all - after it was running all day yesterday.