Sunday, April 29, 2018

Outdoor lunch

Apr 29,

This afternoon we had another open house so we had to leave and take Zoey with us. The weather was sunny and - finally - warmer than it had been. We looked for a place with a patio, that welcomed dogs, and that was not too far. And ended up at 50 West. Bella had gone with Tios to see Diego's soccer match, so she was not with us. The place was not crowded, and the weather was very pleasant, which made for a very nice outdoor lunch.

Sesame Street

Apr 29,

This memory came up on Facebook today. It said that I really had to beg Sofia to let me take this picture, which is totally not surprising. Even back then she was too "cool" for things like this.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Four goals!

Apr 28,

Today Bella had a great soccer match. She scored 4 goals!! She acted all cool every time she scored, but we know she was pretty excited - especially since Tios, Diego and Adrian were there to see her.


Apr 28,

Today we finally made it to the zoo to see the tulips. It is probably the last weekend before they all die, so the zoo was pretty packed. But we found a parking spot and once you were in the crowds did not see that bad. It was still cold, so everybody was walking around with their jackets and because it was not 50 degrees Fiona was not out. But we did get to see the gorillas taking a collective nap, a new section of the Zoo (or at least new to us), go to the carousel, and take a few family pictures.

Last group run

Apr 28,

Today was our last group run before this year's Flying Pig. The weather was supposed to be in the low 50s, but if felt cooler than that with the strong wind. The wind also made it challenging to run, especially on the hills, but I still managed to keep a pretty strong pace. I was happy with the run, and with the end result.

Creamy Whip Friday

Apr 27,

The weather got a little bit better today, but still not where it should be. The girls did not bring their sweaters with them to Creamy Whip, even though it was chilly, but I definitely had mine with me.

This week's memories

Apr 26,

This week's Facebook memories are sweet.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

For sale!

Apr 21,

After only 3 years - which at times felt like a lot longer than that - we put our house up for sale this weekend and are moving to Hyde Park. It will be closer to Sofia's school and - hopefully - a better match for us. 


Apr 21,

Just my special Zoey girl chilling on a Sunday afternoon.

First rose

Apr 21,

The mini rose I bought last year at Kroger likes its new spot in the office and is blooming again. This is the very first one.

First spring match

Apr 21,

Today was Bella's first spring soccer match and she scored not one, but 2 goals! In fact, it was her first goals ever since she started playing with the pink dolphins. She was very happy about it but unfortunately we don't have it on video to show the rest of the family - which she would have loved.

Another 12 mile run

Apr 21,

This morning we were supposed to run 12 miles but last night I did not sleep well at all. So I was thinking that perhaps I would just run 6 or 8. Except that when I got there my running buddy Heather did not let me off the hook. I was like "I am tired. I didn't sleep well. I don't think I can run 12 today". And she was like "Yes, you can, and we are running them together". And that was that. We sure ran 12, and except for mile 11 I managed to keep a pretty good pace.

Walnut dance

Apr 20,

This evening there was a dance at Walnut for 7th and 8th graders and Sofia went with some friends. They had fun, even though they didn't love the music they played, and I got to be their ride back home.

Dark sky

Apr 18,

Dark sky during soccer practice this afternoon.

Pretty flowers

Apr 18,

Despite the unseasonably cold weather, some flowers are still blooming and thriving.


Apr 16,

37 degrees on Apr 16. Simply unacceptable.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Father-Daughter Dance

Apr 14,

This evening was father-daughter dance and Bella was really excited about it. She tried on a bunch of dresses so Lionel picked the one he liked best, and asked Sofia to do her hair. They even did a trial run in the morning to figure out what hair style looked the best. As they were about to leave, she even joked that we should put a "limo" sign on the side of the car. She loved going out just the two of them, dressing up, and of course all the attention.