Sunday, June 24, 2018

Work. Work. Work

Jun 24,

Ever since we got the keys to the house, 10 days ago, we have been making steady progress getting the floors refinished, painting, moving the garage stuff, etc. But this weekend we did even more. We basically worked non-stop. We painted a bunch of doors and put down new carpet in the basement, moved a bunch of stuff,  did some deep cleaning in the master bedroom (which desperately needed it), assembled Sofia's new bed and some chairs we ordered online, painted the master bathroom, and more.  In the meantime, our handy man finished painting the guest bedroom and the entire downstairs. There is a lot more left to do, but the house is starting to look great. I can't wait to compare all the before and after pictures. For now, here is one of them.

Familiar and Strange. Happy and Sad.

Jun 22,

Bella and I just came back from our first trip to Baltimore, which was a bittersweet time. It was great to see Gabi, Raj, and the kids, but it was strange to see "their house" - a place we had never seen before, but containing all the furniture we are all familiar with. It was great to see how settled they seem, and we were happy for them, but it was also sad that they are settling away from us. We had a great time seeing their new surroundings, but it was sad to say good bye and come back without them. I am not used to having my sister so far away.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Jun 19,

Thanks to Tio, tonight we surprised Gabi by traveling to Baltimore so we can celebrate her birthday with her. Bella was super excited to see her cousins, and also happy to be traveling Delta. 

We got the keys!

Jun 14,

Tonight we finally got the keys to our new house! We can't wait to see the floors refinished, all the walls repainted, the yard cleaned, and all the details in place that will make it very much our own. New house. New beginnings. New memories. New hopes.

Monday, June 18, 2018


Jun 14,

Last fall I planted these pretty Margaritas, or Daisies as they are called around here. I literally started with the seeds, planted them inside, and when they were finally strong enough I moved them outside. I then made sure I watered them enough so they grew strong roots to survive the winter, and here they are now. I am saying good bye to them, but I am glad I got to enjoy them at least for a little while.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Estrada-Bey Cafe

Jun 10,

Tonight the girls made dinner for us. We had salad, french regular and potato fries, and meat patties. And for dessert they made chocolate-covered strawberries. They were very excited to cook, and very proud of themselves afterwards.


Jun 10,

Bella likes to photoshop herself into pictures. She has great fun with it, although her photoshop skills clearly could be better.

Busy Saturday

Jun 9,

Today was a particularly busy Saturday. I did not stop all day. First I went running at 7:30, then I spent about 3 hours cleaning the yard, and then Lionel and I started to pack the garage. Since it was late for lunch, and we were all dirty and tired, sweet Bella made us lunch. 

I eventually took a shower, went to pick up my dad, went to the airport to pick up my mom, came back home, changed, and went to Isabel and Cesca's graduation pool party. The girls of course had a great time. They are definitely going to miss the D'Agostino's house.


Jun 8,

This is the creepy sky hanging over our house tonight.

Honors Program

Jun 8,

This afternoon Sofia got an invitation to join the Honors Program at Walnut Hills. This photo is from a few seconds after she found out. She worked very hard this past year and was really excited and proud for getting the invitation. I was super proud as well, but will put no pressure on her. I told her it was completely up to her, but just make sure she has all the info she needs to make her decision.


Jun 8,

Wednesday - Out and about

Jun 5,

Today I worked from home and the girls and I picked my dad up to go out for lunch. After lunch we went back to my parent's place to do some more work, and then closed the day with a visit to Yagoot.


Jun 5,

Tonight Bella and Lionel went to the Reds Game, and Sofia and I went to the movies to watch Adrift. Sofia did not get scared with the movie, but the previews were kind of intense. 


Jun 5,

Today Isabel could not take care of the girls, so they had to find their own fun while I worked. One of their chosen activities was a Spa day - cucumbers and all.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Tia happened

Jun 3,

One of these things is not like the other. One of these things was left behind by Tia.

Early Packing

Jun 2,

If you look around the house it doesn't look like we have started packing, but I have. I really do not want to leave things to the last minute and then go through a mad rush. I am starting by packing things from the closets, and getting them ready so when the time comes we can just pick up the containers and go. I am also labeling them with their final destination, so whomever ends up carrying that container doesn't have to wait for anybody to give them last minute directions. There is a lot more that needs to be done, but at least we have progress.