Sunday, December 15, 2019

Warsaw under the lights

Dec 15,

After a long day of travel, or more like a day and a half due to travel delays, I finally made it back home from Warsaw earlier today. I was there for a week, on a work trip. I had never been there, and most of the week was full of hard work from beginning to end. But I did get a chance to walk around with a co-worker a couple of nights, and see the city under the Christmas lights. The first night we got there we walked around the Old Town, and the Christmas Market. And the last night we went to the Museum of King John III's Palace at Wilanów. It was not that close to the where we were staying, but it was worth it. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

AFS Brunch

Dec 7,

This morning, before I left for my business trip, we went to an AFS Christmas brunch. They asked the international students to talk about their Christmas traditions back at home, and then asked if they wanted to volunteer to sing a traditional Christmas song. Many of them did, and even Bella  - which actually surprised all of us because she never sings in public - jumped in. 

Christmas Tree

Dec 6,

Tonight, finally, we got around decorating the Christmas tree. I really wanted to do it before my business trip, so we squeezed it in.