Sunday, July 28, 2019

Boston - Day 3 - Morning Run, Quiet time, Aquarium, Pool, and Family Time

Jul 28,

Boston - Day 2 - Monique's Birthday Party

Jul 27,

Today we had a lovely time at Cape Cod to celebrate Monique's birthday. The kids enjoyed swimming before and after the lunch, and the adults enjoyed the food, the shade, and the company. We were concerned that the cousins wouldn't be able to interact much, since they don't speak the same language and do not really know each other, but luckily they found common ground. And the property was beautiful with the lake, privacy, and plenty of space. Not to mention that the weather was just perfect.

Boston - Day 1 - Arriving and Walking Around

Jul 26,

Today we got up super early to take our 6:50 am flight to Boston. Bella took a nap on the plane, and since she was extremely tired - although she didn't want to recognize it, she took another one with me in the afternoon. Besides having lunch with Lionel's parents (which was "interesting" with Bella not feeling well and being tired), some of us went to Harvard to walk around while Monique took Bella to the pool. And to close out the day, the entire family had dinner at a sushi place.

Friends Night at the Park

Jul 25,

Tonight we had friends night at Summit Park. We hadn't seen each other in a while, so it was way overdue. We go a long way back, and it was nice to catch up and see everyone (or almost everyone since Gabi was not there) for a little while.

Downtown stop

Jul 23,

This afternoon the girls came downtown for a pre-music festival event my company was sponsoring. Turns out the event was smaller than I thought it would be, but they did have some games for the girls to play (including cornhole), they got ice cream, and I got to see them for a little bit.

Michigan Lacrosse Tournament

Jul 21,

This weekend we got a taste of what  Gabi and Raj, and my friend Molly - whose daughter plays club volleyball -goes through all the time. Sofia signed up for a Lacrosse tournament in Michigan, about 5 hours away from home, so we all went. It was a tiring but overall good adventure to go onto as a family. It was extremely hot, so we tried to shelter ourselves from the sun as much as we could, and reapplied sunscreen all the time. But also took advantage of a break to go to the dunes and lake - where we also got to experience our very first sand storm and visited the town of Saint Joseph for a quick lunch before we left.

FC Night Out

Jul 18,

Tonight we went to the FC game. They lost, but we got to see Rose Lavelle, one of the players from the US Women's National Soccer Team, who is a proud Cincinnatian, get recognized. 

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Watermelon Hat

Jul 14,

Just Bella and her new watermelon hat.

Sunday Brunch

Jul 14,

Today Bella made lunch to (in her own words) celebrate her Track and Field meet participation and that she is no longer sick. We ate outside on the deck, which is really a great space. I wish we had more time to sit out there.