Sunday, July 26, 2020

New work space

Jul 26,

The girls' schools already announced that in the fall kids will only go to school 2 or 3 days. In fact, one week they will go for 2 days, the next week for 3 days, the next week for 2 days, and so on. Since they will be spending a lot of time doing online learning, they will need the right setup. So we bought them their own monitor, keyboard, and mouse. 

In Sofia's case making space for the monitor required some mild cleanup and rearranging things. But for Bella it was a massive room cleanup. At least we got a bunch of stuff out and it looks pretty neat right now. But God only knows for how long she will keep it that way.

4 miles

26 Jul,

4 miles in a steamy, muggy morning.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

Day Off

Jul 24,

Today the girls and I went out for lunch while Lionel worked. Bella wanted to go to Bronte, at Joseph Beth Booksellers, and Sofia did not have an opinion. So we went there. Sofia was annoyed that they brought her a kids' cup, but I told her not to overthink it.  I was happy to be spending time with them, not worried about jumping from call to call. Then, at the end of the day, all four of us went to get Yagoot. It was a good break from the routine.

Morning Run

Jul 24,

This morning I went running at 8:00 am. It was already hot, so it was a slow run, but I pushed and finished my 6.2 miles. This was my face of being pleased with myself.

Las Swim Meet

Jul 23,

Tonight Bella had her last swim meet of the season. We had storms for a while, so the meet got delayed, and she ended up swimming close to 10:00 pm. Good thing we love her. I was tired, and staying home sounded great, but she would have been disappointed if it had gotten canceled.  So we all went, and I was happy to be there for her.

A Hug

Jul 23,

Poor Bella is always asking Sofia for a hug, but Sofia does not love giving hugs. So whenever Bella does get one, she is really happy.


Jul 22,

Tonight Bella wanted to go to the pool, so we did. It was a quick visit before dinner, but she was happy to go together and spend time with me.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Bee's Tie Dye Apparel

Jul 19,

Bella was super excited today because after weeks of thinking of starting her tie dye business, researching how to create her website, and actually working on it, today it finally went live. She needed our help to finish setting it up, and used up her savings to pay for her domain and subscription. I don't know where this is going to lead, but we are proud of her for thinking about it, and giving it a try, and think it will be a great learning experience. 

Mami-Papi Day

Jul 19,

This morning Bella surprised us with breakfast in bed, and a sweet card she had made for us. She said it has Mami-Papi day, to thank us for everything we do for them. Too sweet of her. 

Girls Night Out

Jul 18,

Tonight we had a few friends over for a patio party, the only acceptable type of party right now. The girls desperately needed the interaction, and preparing for it also got them distracted.  They also made a cake together. It was quite hot outside but since it was in the evening, and the sun had gone down, it was bearable. Besides, heat or not heat, everyone was there for the company. 


Jul 18,

This is how I like to see my Sofifi. Happy and silly.

Morning Run

Jul 18,

Me smiling after a 6 mile run in the morning heat. It was 73 when I started running at 8:00am, and one hour later it had climbed all the way to 80. There were definitely walking breaks, and I most definitely also tried to find as much shade as possible. 


Jul 17,

Today Bella made this beautiful bread from scratch. It was really good too!

Swim Meet

Jul 16,

Another quick swim meet. We are really liking this virtual swim meet concept because at least they go by really quick Vs being a multiple hours thing. 


Jul 15,

My breakfast is back! Well ... at least it was for today. Plain yogurt, home-made granola, and diced peach. Mmmm.

Quick Pool Visit

Jul 14,

This evening, after work, Bella asked me if I could take her to the pool. It was a long day, so I did not really want to. But I did. And I am happy she invited me. It made me walk away and take a break.

Painting done!

Jul 13,

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Afternoon

Jul 12,

This afternoon the girls and I rode our bikes to my parent's house. It is only 3.3 miles each way but there are lots of hills, so we were really slow. It took us about 50 minutes each way. Our goal was not speed though. Our goal was to see if we could really get there. Sofia was in front the whole way and probably would have made it way faster if she was on her own. Bella was tired and was consistently in the back, but she pushed through and biked the whole way.

When we got back Lionel was making dinner already, but before we ate we sat outside for a few minutes. It was a really nice evening.

Sunday morning

Jul 12,

Early swim meet and visit to the farmer's market, where we saw a dog that looked like a mini version of Zoey.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

A painted house

Jul 11,

This week the painters started to paint the house. From taupe to blue, and it is looking really good. Can't wait to see it finished.


Jul 11,

10K. Getting it done in the morning before it got crazy hot.