Sunday, April 25, 2021


 Apr 25,

Today it was only Bella and I on our walk to Coffee Emporium. Kika is clearly not going any time soon, and we also left Zoey because we had walked both of them already. 

Walnut Vs Centerville

 Apr 24,

It was rainy and cold again, but it was also another win! Bella had her soccer game at the same time, so Lionel went with her and I went with Sofia. 


 Apr 22,

Late Snow Fall

 Apr 21,

This morning we woke up to this. I would say it was easily about 2-3 inches. It was the latest snow fall that Lionel and I can remember around here. It looked beautiful, but I was worried about the flowers and the trees. It was too much weight for the trees, and we saw at least one that just couldn't handle it.

Walnut Hills Vs Milford

Apr 20,

Today Lionel and I froze our butts off at the game. It was about 70 degrees when we left the house, but the temperature dropped quite quickly. I had a jacket on, but was still cold. At least the girls won.

Sunday, April 18, 2021


 Apr 18,

Before we closed out the weekend, we took a few minutes to make some s'mores.

Zoo Blooms 2021

 Apr 18,

Nothing like Zoo Blooms on a beautiful sunny day.

Trail Walk

 Apr 18,

This morning Lionel and I took the girls walking to Ault Park, and went into one of the trails. It was very pretty and peaceful. The best way to start the day. We then went to Findlay market to check out a new crepes place. It was our Sunday adventure and change of pace.


 Apr 17,

Today was Bella's first spring soccer game. The weather was absolutely miserable: Cold,  rainy, and windy. But at least they started with a win.


 Apr 16,

Creamy Whip and dog play time at the observatory.

Sweet 16

 Apr 13,

How is it possible that Sofia just turned 16? For her birthday she got a warm sunny day, she got to play Lacrosse and win, and got to spend it with us - her family who loves her to the moon and back.