Saturday, January 29, 2022

Snow Dogs

 Jan 30,

This morning, after a short walk because their paws got too cold too soon, Zoey and Kika enjoyed playing in the snow. Not sure how is it that they cannot walk but they can play for a long time, but it is what it is.

Friday Morning

 Jan 28,

This morning, when I walked the dogs at 6:30, I enjoyed this view.

Cold week

 Jan 27,

This week was really cold. At some point the girls thought (or hoped) they would close school because of it, but they never did. 

Abuelita's Birthday

 Jan 25,

Today was Abuelita's birthday and we had almost everything ready: The cake, the flowers, and the gift, but we neglected the candle. We managed, but it was a little crooked. Good thing that the important part was that we could celebrate together. 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday Morning Walk

Jan 23,

While the two-legged kids still slept, the four-legged ones and I went to Ault Park for our Sunday walk. It was cold, but with my long red jacket (or sleeping bag as the girls would call it), always has my back and really keeps me warm.


Saturday, January 22, 2022

The knee

 Jan 22,

A week after my fall, my knee still looks like this. I ended up going to the doctor yesterday morning, and after taking an X-Ray they confirmed that nothing is broken. But it was a nasty fall and it is healing very very slowly. So it looks like it will easily take another week for the swelling to go down and to no longer be in pain or uncomfortable. So from a workout standpoint, January continues to be a bust. 

Bella's room

 Jan 22,

Today I took a couple of pictures of Bella's new room. She hung some vines on the wall, and then hung photos from it. We still want to buy a rug, because the rug she had before was also from when she was little. 

Snowy Morning

Jan 17,

This morning we had a cold and snowy walk with the girls. I could only walk slow because of my knee, but I felt like it was good for me to get some fresh air.  After our walk I stayed outside for a little bit playing frisbee with Kika. Both girls were enjoying the snow. 


Bad fall

 Jan 16,

Yesterday morning I fell while running with Kika. I fell quite hard, and my knee currently looks like this. I didn't let it stop me from painting Bella's room, but it does hurt as bad as it looks, especially when I try to bend it. I was finally starting to run again after getting sick, and now this...

New bed, new color, new room

Jan 16,

Today we painted Bella's room. Besides wanting a new bed, she also wanted to paint over the ocean blue she choose when we first moved in 3  and a half years ago. We starting prepping the room since yesterday, removing furniture and taping around the edges, and today we did the actual painting. As usual, it ended up being an all day affair. But she was happy with the result and ready to put the finishing touches next. 

Adios camita

 Jan 12,

For a few months now Bella had been asking to remove her bunk bed and get her a big girl bed. This is the bed they had ever since they were little and they shared a room in our old house, so it made me sad to say good bye to it. Too many years, and too many memories. But we finally did it. This is a photo of the very last night Bella went to sleep in it. 


 Jan 11,

Today was a very sad day as my sister and her family lost their dear Simba. We are extremely sad for them, and so wish they didn't have to go through this.  May they remember all the good times, and all the love he brought into their lives.

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 Jan 9,

Today is exactly one year since we brought Kika home. What a full year it has been. Plenty of hugs, walks, barks, lost rugs, and more.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Long Afternoon Walk

 Jan 8,

This afternoon I took a long walk with the girls. 3.78 miles to be exact. We walked on Ault Park and the Wasson Path. I don't think I have recovered enough to run, so a long walk was the next best thing to get out of the house and work out.

Cold Morning Walk

Jan 7,

The good and bad thing about having dogs is that no matter the weather, and not matter how much you feel like taking a walk [or not] you still have to get up and go.

Dia de Reyes 2022

 Jan 6,

Saturday, January 1, 2022

No run

 Jan 1,

No new year’s run today. Starting the year sick, tired, and weak. I guess it can only get better from here.