Friday, March 31, 2023

Last Seaport Walk

Mar 31,

This afternoon we walked to Shake Shack for lunch, because that is where Sofia wanted to go. We are now back resting a bit and getting ready before catching our flight back home this evening. For this time around, our mission here is done!

Found it!

Mar 31,

After countless hours looking online, mostly by Lionel with everyone debriefing at dinner time, and a week of house hunting, we have officially found our Boston home! Our offer got made and accepted yesterday, and this morning we got the inspection done. Only minor things for the builder to fix over the next few weeks, before it is closing time at the end of May. It is in the neighborhood I wanted, overlooking a park, and with plenty of room to run and walk with the dogs. 

Very excited to have found "the one", and looking forward to our future family adventures around here.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

House Hunting

Mar 30,

This spring break, instead of going somewhere warm, we headed to Boston to do house hunting. We got here Monday evening and, while Tuesday was rainy and gray, yesterday and today we had plenty of sunshine. My favorite kind of weather!

This afternoon, while driving back from looking at houses, I made the family drive by the office and take a picture right in front of it. The girls and I later took a walk and did some shopping, and happened to walk by the Mexican consulate. That, of course, required a photo as well. We then closed out the day with a family dinner. Tomorrow is our last day in Boston, and we will hopefully be closing the trip on a high note. Fingers crossed.

I Love Hyde Park

Mar 27,

I love the views of my morning walks with the girls. Hyde Park is simply the best. I am going to miss this place.

Europe Work Trip

 Mar 24,

Last Friday I left home to head to Europe for a 1 week work trip to Germany and Poland. The plane tickets were too expensive to travel on the weekend, so I had to travel on Friday to make it reasonable. Others did the same. While missing out on the weekend with our families was a sacrifice, it ended up being a great thing for team bonding. We were able to hang out during the weekend and actually get to know each other a bit better before starting an intense week of back to back traveling, meetings, and late evenings. It was an exhausting week but also very productive. And it was great meeting multiple people in person for the first time ever. It was very hard work, but it was also a great time. And I learned lots.

Spring Steel Band Concert

 Mar 16,

This evening Bella and her friends had their Steel Band concert at school and they actually sounded much better than we would have thought - since they are beginners. Unfortunately she and her friends were not tall enough for us to actually be able to see them above the instruments and the music sheets, so that didn't make for great pictures. But we did get some good group pictures after the fact and ended up doing dinner at Deweys with the other families. It was a good evening.

New season - Game 2

Mar 15,

Unlike earlier this week, the weather was actually pretty decent for today's game. And, surprisingly, Bella actually took advice from Sofia on how to do the draw. It was nice to see and it totally deserved a picture.

New season - Game 1

Mar 13,

Once again, we are out there supporting Lacrosse season ... and freezing our butts off in the process. This time around supporting Bella and her teammates.

Morning Run

Mar 11,

Through all the craziness, still doing my best to find the time to run on Saturday mornings ... and then stretching and recovering with my girls.

Rear Ended

Mar 8,

Well, unfortunately it only took about 4 months for Sofia to get rear ended. She was fine, and everyone was fine, and it was not her fault at all. But still, the bumper got messed up and needs to be replaced. Both girls were together and did what they needed to do: Call Lionel who went and made sure everything was ok. And that is all that matters in the end.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

March is here

 Mar 5,

And just like that, March is here. This past week I was in Boston for work, from Monday to Friday. It was a full week, with back to back meetings and activities, but it was very productive. And at least on Thursday night we had a team activity at the art museum, which was a more relaxing environment. And this time around our flight back didn't get rerouted. It was a straight shot back home. The weather was terrible when we landed, with heavy rain, so I drove slowly and made it home safely. 

While I was in Boston, Lionel and the girls had a good week. Bella's lacrosse practices already started, so she has been doing that during the week. Sofia has been working some days during the week, and Lionel is keeping everyone organized.