Saturday, April 22, 2023

Long run

Apr 22,

This morning I pushed through the last long run ahead of the flying pig marathon. It was a slow one, but I got it done.

Good company

Apr 21,

This evening the girls came to see me in the office and were good guests, just sleeping like little angels.

Sale pending

Apr 21,

Earlier this week, Tuesday or Wednesday, we verbally accepted an offer on our house. That was a huge relief. It took a couple of days for the relocation company to sign the papers on their end, but today that was done and the house is finally showing as Pending. The inspection is next week, but we have taken good care of the house and they shouldn’t find anything major. Still, fingers crossed as that is an important part of the process.

Wednesday Win

Apr 19,

Today the girls won against Seven Hills. I think it was their first win ever since they started playing last year, so all the parents were very happy for them. And the girls were of course excited for themselves. Sofia went to see the game but left right after it was over, so we didn’t catch her in the pictures.

Monday game


Today it got cold again, and the girls went back to not playing that great. But we were still there for them.

Open House

Apr 16,

Friday and Saturday were a bit painful, with a lot of people scheduling appointments to see the house (and not making an offer) and today we had a 2 hour open house. The doggy day care is not open on Sundays, so Lionel and I had to drive around that whole time with the girls. At least Kika fell asleep at times, but Zoey just sat there panting pretty much the entire time. When it was finally 2:00pm, and the open house was over, we were eager to get back to the house. But someone made an appointment to see it and we had to wait 40 more minutes. It was so great when we could finally get in there again.


Apr 15,

Today was nice once again and in the afternoon I sat outside on the hammock, enjoying a rare hour of doing nothing. I even fell asleep for a few minutes. I loved being there enjoying the weather, just like in the morning I had enjoyed the walk with the girls and seeing the trees with their spring blooms.

School Dance

Apr 14,

This evening the 8th graders had a school dance and of course Bella was not going to miss it. She went with her fiends and had a sleepover afterwards. They got lucky with a beautiful warm and sunny day.

Happy 18th Birthday Sofia!

Apr 13,

And just like that, I blinked and Sofia turned 18. It is extremely hard to believe. I definitely struggled paying attention at work throughout the day just thinking about it. She is now officially an adult, and in a few short months she will be leaving us to go to college. It definitely made me feel very old and wondering at what point you start being at risk for a mid life crisis. I hope we have done a good job and she is ready for this next stage of adulthood. We’ll always be here for her and can only hope she’ll remember that and reach out to us to share the good and the bad.

Birthday eve

Apr 12,

Not sure she would care, but after Sofia went to bed I put out some birthday decorations I got just for her. I wanted her to see them first thing in the morning, before she went to school. Birthdays are always special, but this one is extra special.

A real game, a real chance

Apr 11,

The girls lost today, but unlike the other games they played well and actually had a chance. As a bonus, the weather was great. There was no place to sit, but we had a blanket in the car and I put it down to sit on the grass. It was the most relaxing part of my day.


 Apr 11,

Today, the “Coming Soon” sign went up in front of our house. It was time, but it was bittersweet.


Apr 10,

Beautiful sunset while walking the girls.

Monday game

 Apr 10,

Another game, another big loss for the girls. But at least it was sunny and nice outside.

Big week

 Apr 9,

This was a big week for our family. Sofia confirmed she is going to Colorado University at Boulder, Lionel committed to work with a local firm (working remote from Boston), and we gave a big payment towards the Boston house - there is no turning back.

Lacrosse Photos

 Apr 8,

This week Bella got her lacrosse photos back. I like how they turned out.

Long run views

 Apr 8,

This morning I ran 10 miles, to Eden Park and back. There are some pretty views along the way.

Sunday, April 2, 2023


 Apr 2,

Bonita and she knows it.

FCC Game

Apr 1,

Lionel and Bella usually go to the FCC games together but today she bailed to hang out with Kaitlin, since they hadn’t seen each other all week. Lionel asked a couple of people but they had other plans, so I went with him. It was a really cold one, but I dressed smartly for it. They also won 1-0.