Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Familiy walks

Yesterday we finished dinner early, so we decided to walk Zoey as a family. Off we went, but five minutes into the walk Bella announced that she needed to go to the bathroom. So she and I headed back home.

Today we also finished dinner at a decent time, so we once again decided to walk Zoey together. This time around we didn't even make it couple houses down. Bella tripped, fell to the grown, and scraped both her knees. So Sofia, Bella and I went back home and Lionel walked Zoey alone.

We'll have to keep trying, I guess. Maybe the third time will be the charm.

Thirty Something

Last Wednesday Tia turned thirty-something. Since it was during the week we didn't get to go out to celebrate, but we at least got together to cut some cake! My Dad was very tired so he went home before we took pictures, but let it be known that he was there.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Lately I haven't had much time to write. I have been trying to work less at night, but now I am using that time to try to sneak in time to work out. It is just hard to find the time to do everything I want to do, especially since I am also trying to go to bed at a decent time.

Being an adult

The other day Sofia asked me if being an adult was hard. When I asked her why she wanted to know that she said: "Well, because when you are an adult you have to make other's breakfast, feed the dog, make lunches, help your kids get dressed, go to work, cook dinner ....".

I don't remember all the additional examples she gave me, but she kept going for a little while. After that I think she didn't really want me to answer. She had already made up her mind.

Smart Zoey

This morning, as we were getting ready to leave the house, Bella left the door wide open and Zoey ran out. She went outside the garage, but when I called her she came back. The car door was already open as I was loading our stuff, so Zoey took it upon herself to get in the car and sit down right between the girl's car seats as if she was going somewhere with us. I kept trying to convince her to get down, even offering her some peanut butter, but she refused to get out. She appeared convinced that if she only stayed there, we would have to choice but to take her with us. So I ended up having to grab her by the dollar, and pulling her out. I must admit that she is a smart one.

Father's day 2012

Father's day was this Sunday, and we had a very mellow day. My Dad didn't want to do anything special and neither did Lionel, so we didn't go out for a family lunch or anything. Also, Raj had a cold and both Gabi and he were very tired, so we did not really see them that day. But we did go to see Lionel play soccer per Sofia's request. And the girls and I baked a cake for Lionel and my Dad, and did our best to decorate them.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Lately I have been feeling like I am putting on some extra weight, so today I weighed myself when we were at the gym. Then, when we got home, I looked for the notebook where I wrote down my weight chart when I was pregnant with Bella, and when I was trying to lose the baby weight. When I found it I was absolutely HORRIFIED to learn that today I am weighting as much as I did when I was 26 weeks pregnant with Bella:14 pounds more than my regular weight three years ago. I had already started to work out more, but this?!? This definitely gives me even more motivation to keep going and in fact find the time to do even more.

Backyard fun!

Today we bought a small inflatable pool to help us beat the heat without having to leave the house. Sofia is already beyond a little pool like this, but it was just right for Bella and Sofia was happy to play side by side with her sister. Both of them had a really good time.

What could have been...

Yesterday afternoon I visited my pre-P&G place of employment for a baby shower. The shower was for a good friend of mine, so I really wanted to be there for him.

It's been over six years since I left, so the company has grown a lot and they even have a brand new modern building which I had never visited until yesterday. That place was good to me, much better than my first job, so I was happy to see that overall everybody is doing well. I got to see several familiar faces that seemed happy to see me after so many years, which made it a bit less weird being there. Even though switching jobs was definitely the right thing for me, being back kind of made me wonder how things would have turned out for me if I had never left. Would I have progressed just like my friends? Would I have been passed for a promotion for being a girl? Would we all still be friends?  Those were not great thoughts to have, so I am glad they quickly dissipated after I left.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Redlegs run

This weekend Lionel, Gabi and I ran another 5K. This one was in a lot flatter terrain than the previous one, yet somehow neither one of us improved our time. But it was still a good thing to do for ourselves, and it was nice that it ended at the reds stadium.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Boonshoft Museum

Today, for my second day off, I wanted to do something different with the girls. Something we normally would not get to do even if I left work early to spend time with them. I considered taking them to a local water park for the day, but I went online and read some really mixed reviews. Besides, the weather was cold and cloudy so instead we drove to Dayton to go to a museum I had read about in one of those family magazines. The museum was a lot smaller and more plain than I had anticipated, and I was disappointed that they did not have a cafeteria since our plan was to have lunch as soon as we got there. So instead of a decent lunch we had to eat a few snacks from a vending machine. But none of that mattered to the girls. They had a good time playing at the pretend pizza place, the animal hospital, and visiting the handful of animals that live there. Seeing them happy made me feel much better. I like trying new things and getting out of the routine, but sometimes I also feel like trying new things is not worth it, since half of them end up being a disappointment.