Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring piano recital

This afternoon Sofia had her second piano recital. This time around she seemed a lot more at ease than she did the last time, and she did a great job playing Take me out to the ball game. We were all proud of her.


For her recital, Sofia told me that she wanted curly hair. I didn't want to take a curling iron to hear hair, so I decided to try our luck with a bunch of mini braids the night before. It wasn't perfect, but for the most part it worked!

My bugambilia

My bugambilia spent the entire winter inside, but is now outside trying to make a comeback.

All about me

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Dance

Tonight I did not go to Father Daughter dance for … well … pretty obvious reasons. They did have many moms volunteering [after all what decent dance could possibly be organized without them] but Lionel preferred not to have me there, also for obvious reasons. If I was there, it was likely that the girls would want to be with me instead of him.

For what he tells me the girls had a great time … just not necessarily sticking around with him. It appears that all the girls were running around with their friends, leaving the Dads behind. So Lionel joined the ranks of Dads sitting around waiting for them to come back ... or chasing them around. But he did manage to get at least one dance out of Sofia, and had an interesting time people watching and occasionally talking to couple of the other dads.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Road kill

Tonight I killed what I believe was a big fat rat on my drive back home. Giving that this is earth week that particularly sucked.

Love song

Today I've been wondering what it must feel like to have somebody adore you so much, that they write you a love song. It must be very flattering if you love them back ... and maybe kind of creepy if you do not.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Not if, but when

Now that we have Paco, the fish, I can't help but wonder how long it will take before we wake up one day to find him dead. I don't know much about fish, but one thing I do know is that they are frail and as such I probably shouldn't expect him to leave as long as my dog.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Today I had a very crappy day at work. So the highlight of my day was when I finally made it out of the office and got to see Sofia's smiley face.

Bella's invite

Luckily my Gordita was not forgotten. Her invitation arrived today.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Father Daughter Dance

This Friday the girls have Father Daughter Dance with Lionel. It is meant to be a special night for girls and their Dads, and a way to raise money for the school's PTO. For one reason or another, this is the first year that we are able to make it. Sofia got her invitation today but Bella's didn't come yet, so I am wondering if she will get her own, or if both of them are lumped under Sofia's name. Just in case she doesn't get her own, I am glad that Bella doesn't quite know how to read yet.

New MB CD!

After waiting for several weeks, today I finally got in the mail my pre-ordered Michael Buble CD. I have already downloaded it to the computer and my phone, and is ready for my enjoyment tomorrow at work.

When I downloaded it, I caught myself thinking that I am also really looking forward to Kids Bop 24. It is not that I particularly love Kids Bop 23. I am just really sick and tired of hearing the same songs over and over again.

Rock climbing

Just a random picture from Family Wellness Night at Sands.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

12 in 2-1-30

This afternoon Gabi and I had our longest run yet, and thanks to nice running weather and a very flat trail, it was also our fastest. I finished in 2 hours, 1 minute, and 30 seconds, and Gabi finished couple minutes afterward.

12 miles: DONE!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Who is nicer?

Tonight during dinner we were having a silly conversation, and Lionel and I were competing on something random, when I asked Sofia "Who is nicer, mami or daddy?", to which Sofia responded "Nobody is horrible". Ok then, and with that Lionel and I had a good laugh.

I am sorry mami

Sofia was not listening to me the other night, so I decided to stop talking to her for the remaining hour or so that was still left in her day. Realizing that I was really upset, she made me the following drawing. We hugged it out after that.


With only two weeks left before the half pig marathon, I sure have been running a lot.

Paco the fish

Sofia initially told me that she wanted a hamster for her birthday, so when she changed her mind and told me he wanted a fish instead, I was all for it! Better a fish than a poor little rat living in a cage, and making my house smelly.  Sofia had no idea of what name to give it, so I promptly volunteered Paco - which to my surprise she accepted right away. So Paco it is! Welcome to the family ... and I sure hope you last.

Family Lunch!

On Sunday we had our traditional family lunch to celebrate Sofia's birthday all over again. It made me really happy that both sets of grandparents were there. Celebrating with a party and cake is great, but having family close by is the icing on the cake.

Sofia turns 8!

My sweet Sofia turned 8 last Saturday, and this time around she decided to have her birthday party at home. I initially tried to convince her to have it somewhere else, but she told me she really wanted to have her friends over because most of them had never been here before. I agreed to have it here, even though I was worried about having a bunch of girls sitting around getting bored. I asked around what would be a good activity for 11 eight year old girls, and cookie decorating came up. So that is what we did. The activity didn't last as long as I had hoped for, but the girls found plenty of other things to do between running outside, going in and out of the playroom, and climbing on the girl's bunk beds. And best of all, Sofia had a great time!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Panama - iPhone pictures

I had forgotten that I had a few more Panama pictures on my iPhone, but here they are.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

11 miles!!

The distance, the warm weather, the wind, the hills, and having a cold made today's the most challenging run yet - but we finished! 11 miles: DONE

Panama pictures - Part 2