Sunday, September 25, 2016


Sep 25,

This afternoon the girls and I went to watch Storks, while Lionel watched the Bengals game. The movie was cute. I enjoyed it. I wish Lionel had come with us.

Last long run

Sep 24,

This morning was our last long run before the Queen Bee in two weeks. It was exhausting once again, since the weather is still warm and I have struggled with it all summer, but I finished it. My feet ended up super beat up, because it comes with the territory, but it was nothing a bunch of good old band aids couldn't fix. 

I also noticed, later in the afternoon, that my morning run brought my total to exactly 2222 miles. I thought that was pretty cool.

Diego turns 5!

Sep 23,

I came back from my recruiting trip just in time to celebrate Diego's 5th birthday!  Yes, 5 already. Time sure flies!

Recruiting 2016

Sep 22,

This past week I went on my 4th recruiting trip to the University of Michigan. I actually thought it was my 3rd, but as it turns out I was wrong. It was exhausting as usual, and it was extremely hard to be away from the kids all week, but I survived. And we found some good candidates that hopefully will come intern with us. 

Dividend Day 2016

Sep 18,

It is that time of the year! This weekend was Dividend Day, our 11th one already!  I only went on two rides - the ones I can tolerate - but Lionel went on a few other rides with the girls. We also took all our classic pictures, except for the one in the carousel. I forgot about that one because for the most part we no longer hang out in the little kids area. Oh well, next time!

Jungle Jims

Sep 17,

Today we went to Jungle Jims to get a couple of things. As we were walking the isles we also found a hair die my mom used to buy a long time ago at "Natural stores". It had been forever since I saw that anywhere. On our way out, silly Bella also channeled her inner ape.

Cutie and smart!

Sep 17,

I just bought Bella a sweatshirt with the cutest french-themed squirrel in it. Then, when we went to a store shopping for jeans for Sofia, Bella put some glasses on and said "Look mami. I look smart!". I of course told her she IS smart, and certainly doesn't need the glasses to look the part.

The longest run

Sep 17,

Today was our longest run as part of the Queen Bee training, and our group headed downtown to run most of the official route. We met at the Casino, since that is where the race starts, and ran all the way to Hyde Park and back. It was hot, and the run is quite hilly, so it took every bit of my strength (physical and emotional) to actually finish. When I was back at the Casino I actually sat outside for a few minutes, just resting and taking it all in.

Swim Team

Sep 15,

This fall Bella is doing swim team, and started practices about a month ago. But I hadn't taken any pictures of her by the pool, so tonight I did. I want to remember this.

The simple life

Sep 15,

Today, during my drive to work, I listened to the soundtrack of The Fresh Beat Band, one of the girls' favorite shows from when they were little. Sometimes I catch myself listening to kids music because I'm driving and not paying attention to it, but today was different. Today I chose to listen to it because it reminded me of simpler days when the girls never had conflicts at school and only watched shows where everybody was best friends.


Sep 14,

Today Bella woke up early, as I was about to head to the basement for a 3 mile run. She asked me to go back to my bed so I could cuddle with her for a few minutes, so I did. After a few minutes I told her I needed to go, so she decided to come workout with me. She got on the elliptical, and I took this picture, but her desire to exercise quickly went away. Instead, she lied down on the floor, covered in her blanket, until I was done with my run.

The park

Sep 13,

For now, since the weather is still nice, Bella and I like go to the park while Sofia goes to French class on Tuesday evenings. Today Bella fell asleep on our way there, and I debated whether or not to wake her up, but at the end I did. I gave her the choice to keep sleeping or going to the park, and although she initially said she wanted to keep sleeping, she quickly changed her mind. It is not easy pass on an opportunity to go to the park on a school day. 

Adios Bear Paddle

Sep 13,

Today was Bella's last swim lesson at Bear Paddle. Since she is going to be doing swim team it doesn't make sense to do both. Her time at Bear Paddle was short lived, only a few months, but she enjoyed it and made some good memories.

Monday, September 5, 2016

A new dream

Sep 5,

During the drive down to Nashville I finally had time to check out some of the magazines that have been accumulating at home. While reading an article, this quote really hit home for me. As I evaluate what will be my next move at work I really need to take a step back and perhaps dream a new dream.

Nashville Day 2

Sep 4,

Today was a great day. We woke up early and Lionel, Miguel, and I went running outside. It was already hot, so it wasn't an easy run, but I pushed for 5 miles. After that we took showers and went out for brunch to a cute place with a retro style. It appears the place is located right next to Dolly Parton's studio, so we walked there but you couldn't see much. The kids got on the ground, since there was a crack between the door and the floor, and we took a picture so we (jokingly) could remember the kids "visiting" the studio. We then walked around the neighborhood, ate some Paletas (popsicles) and went to a park for a few minutes. Then, on our way back to the car, we bought some yummy peaches. 

After our walk we went back to our friends' house so the kids could rest for a little while, and then went back out to check out a hotel/convention center that is one of the attractions around here. There was plenty of space for the kids to run around, and some shops of their interest, so they had a good time. 

When we came back home we rested, watched some TV, and attended a show the kids put together for us.  Sofia and Alex played instruments while Bella sang a few songs. After the show we went outside, because they had also prepared an obstacle course for us. Kate and I were in one team, and Lionel and Miguel in the other. They ended up winning, but we didn't care. The kids worked hard preparing for all of it, so I was happy to participate.

To close out the day the adults went out for dinner, and the kids stayed home with a babysitter. I wasn't so sure that Sofia would go for that, but she was happy to stay and be the co-babysitter under the promise of a few dollars in payment. She is currently very focused on saving as much money as possible for Christmas, so that was an easy sell. And they had fun staying here, eating pizza, and playing some games.