Sunday, April 30, 2017

Second soccer match

Apr 29,

Today Bella had her second soccer match. The weather was awful when we woke up, with strong winds, pouring rain, and dark, creepy skies. It seemed impossible that the game would be on, and we kept looking at our email waiting for the coach's confirmation. The email finally came late in the morning, but then she got back to us and indicated we needed to show up after all because the other coach wanted the ref to be the one calling it off. So Bella got ready quickly and - as improbable as it looked - the weather cleared up and the game was on.

Creamy whip selfie

Apr 28,

Roller skating

Apr 27,

Tonight, the school's Wellness Committee hosted a roller skating night. Sofia had gymnastics, and didn't want to go anyway, but Bella did want to go. So I dropped Sofia off at gymnastics, drove to the roller skating place, let Bella roller skate for like 30 minutes, and drove back to pick up Sofia before getting home. Although her visit to the roller skating rink was short, Bella saw her friends and had fun being in the middle of it all.


Apr 26,

Tonight was the sign up night for the summer sports, and since we were already there we had dinner at the club. We don't normally go there, because we don't think there is anything special about the food, but the sunset views definitely are.


Apr 24,

This afternoon Bella had soccer practice at 5:30. The day was sunny and nice, so I didn't even take a sweater with me. But it quickly got windy, and the wind was cold - even though it didn't seem to bother Bella as she was running around. I didn't want to go sit in the car, because the whole point was to be there with her, so I got creative and wrapped myself in a couple of picnic blankets I had in the car until Lionel got there for the relay.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Dressing Hera

Apr 23,

Bella's latest school project is about Greek Mythology. She was assigned Hera, and she is supposed to research a few facts and dress like here during her presentation. So today Bella and I made it to the fabric store and made a costume based on the image they had been using at school - all pastel colors. We also made a headband, not pictured here because it was the last thing we finished.

Tulips, where are you?

Apr 23,

April is my favorite time of the year to go to the Zoo, to see the beautiful tulips. I had hoped to go earlier in the month, but we had been busy. So today there were no excuses. The weather was not the best - cloudy and still kind of cold - but at least it was not raining. So I dragged everybody with me, and even charged the battery of my good camera so I could take high resolution pictures. Unfortunately, as soon as we got there I saw the first patch of tulips - or where they normally are - and they were all gone! That was not a good sign. If they were gone there, it was likely they were gone everywhere. 

We did find a few leftover tulips here and there, and some small purple flours, but nothing compared to how beautiful everything normally is. I guess the crazy weather, going up and down from one day to the next, completely killed them all. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Father-Daughter Dance

Apr 22,

Tonight was Father-Daughter dance, and after several tries I managed to get a picture with natural smiles. Mostly because Bella complained about the fact that getting a good picture was taking so long, they were going to miss the whole dance. That made everybody laugh.

First soccer game

Apr 22,

Today was Bella's first soccer game, and it was FREEZING. Totally, unseasonably cold. Even Lionel was cold. Bella doesn't know how to play very well just yet, but she did a good job. And she had a smile throughout because [other than the weather] she really enjoyed being out there.

10 miles

Apr 22,

This morning I completed the last long run before the flying pig. I made good time, but it was not a pretty run. My legs were completely tight for almost 4 miles, and towards the end I was feeling a cramp coming. I am not sure why I am dealing with that now, but it is certainly frustrating. I am really looking forward to only shorter runs between now and the race. And I can only hope that after all the training I can finish without cramping.

Creamy whip day

Apr 21,

Today was creamy whip Friday, and we had a couple of special guests come with us: Gabi and Diego.

First soccer practice

Apr 17,

Today was Bella's first soccer practice, and the weather couldn't have been nicer. It was so perfect that I didn't mind sitting there for a little while - work clothes and all.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter 2017

Apr 16,

Today it was a chill sort of day. We made it to mass, and on our way back we visited Gabi, Raj, and the kids for a little bit. There was nothing planned or formal about it, which was Ok with me.

Family Day

Apr 15,

Today was a perfect, perfect day. After the morning run the day got warm and sunny, I got to hang out with my family to celebrate Sofia's birthday, the kids enjoyed their very own egg hunt, and had plenty of time together.