Saturday, March 31, 2018

Spring Break - Day 6 - We don't want to leave

Mar 31,

This is how we all feel. We don't want to leave.

Spring Break - Day 6 - Making it count

Mar 31,

Today was our last day in Florida and I think we made it count. After lunch we went back to the house for a little bit and then headed to the beach. The water was too cold for me, but the girls played together and Lionel joined them as well.

For dinner we went to the main Las Olas street, had some nice sushi, and walked around for a little bit. I love being able to walk around without freezing my butt off, enjoying a perfect temperature. It was a good way to close out our trip.

Spring Break - Day 6 - Nanou French Bakery and Boardwalk

Mar 31,

After taking it easy again this morning - at least Lionel and the girls - we chose a French cafe and pastry shop for lunch. It was less formal and expensive than the place where we went yesterday, but it was good and we liked the casual atmosphere. Since it was near the busier part of the boardwalk parking was a bit of a mess, but they had their own parking spots. After lunch they were nice to us and let us stay there for a little bit while we took a quick walk to check out the surroundings.

Spring Break - Day 6 - More T-shirts

Mar 31,

Lionel did not learn from yesterday. First his Vail t-shirt, and today his FC Cincinnati one. 

Spring Break - Day 6 - Well, that was hard!

Mar 31,

As I always do when I am on vacation, I brought my tennis shoes to Florida to go for a run one of the mornings. That morning was supposed to be today, so last night I set my alarm to 7:00 am. I figured it was early enough for it not to be too hot, or too crowded. Depending on how I felt I thought I could do just an average run (4-5 miles) or push it and do something like 8 to make it to the beach and back. Besides setting the alarm I also made sure my running shoes, clothes, arm band, and sun screen were out and ready to go. 

Those were the plans, but then I I didn't sleep well - or enough - at all.  I was too hot. I was too cold. The pillow was uncomfortable. I was wide awake. And then it was 6:00 am, and I really felt that my body needed sleep more than it needed the run. So I forced myself to go back to sleep and finally woke up  for good at around 9:00 am. The girls woke up shortly thereafter, but were in no hurry to get moving. Lionel was reading the news or watching sports or something, and I was feeling disappointed that I didn't go running, but it was too late for it - or was it? The sky was overcast, and it was 77 degrees outside, so I considered going for at least a quick 3 mile run. Before I could talk myself out of it I got dressed, said good bye, and headed for the door with my bottle of cold water on hand. 

I knew right away that it was going to be tough. The humidity was brutal, and even before hitting 1 mile I was already taking walking breaks.  And going all the way to the beach? Forget it. Not unless I wanted to Uber it on the way back. So I ended up running just out and back - as soon as I hit 1.5 miles I turned around. It of course was a slow run, and when I came back I felt as if I had just run an entire half-marathon. Humidity is no joke. Last week I ran 11 miles, with 860 ft elevation, and all in under 10 minutes per mile. Today I walked/ran 3.1 miles, with zero elevation, and my average was 10:29 minutes per mile.    

Friday, March 30, 2018

Spring Break - Day 5 - As good as it gets

Mar 30,

Today was a good day. We took it easy in the morning, went out for lunch, read and hung out while the girls played in the pool, went to the beach, came back, cleaned up, took a few family pictures, and went out for dinner. Not too much, and not too little. Just the right amount of activities. At the beach, instead of a sand castle, Sofia made a sculpture of Zoey - leg boo boo and everything. Bella, in the meantime, mostly played in the water. I played with her for a little bit, but was careful not to get completely wet because the water was too cold for my liking. This of course was not surprising to any of them as I don't usually get in anyway. I just like looking at the ocean and getting my feet wet.

On a side note, I did give Lionel a hard time for bringing his Vail t-shirt to Florida. Not like he cared, since he still proudly wore it all day. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Spring Break - Day 4 - Hello Florida

Mar 29,

Today we had to get up at 4:00 am to catch our 6:30 am flight to Florida. Nobody slept well - or nearly enough - so getting up was kind of rough. But we did, and made it to the airport and through security with no issues. We did cut it close with boarding because the Starbucks line was long, and it took forever to get our smoothies, but we made it on time and happily - or not - took our seats in the penultimate row. At least the girls and I did, since Lionel lucked out and was in row 6. Since we were so tired we managed to sleep on the flight for a little bit, even though those seats were not the most comfortable thing.

When we arrived in Florida we got the rental car and went straight to the rental house as luckily we were able to get in before the regular check in time. After getting settled we went out to lunch, took much needed naps, hung out by the pool, and went out for dinner. Coming back from the naps was tough, but it helped that it was nice and sunny outside. The girls enjoyed the pool, but the water was cold so I only sat on the edge - which I always do anyway. Bella and I also practiced some dance routines she created for us, and Sofia made a couple of videos that Bella is using to create a "Mami and Bella show". 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Spring Break - Day 3

Mar 28,

Today it was my turn to pick. For Lunch I chose a new place downtown called "Panino", which got the thumbs up from the girls. It was a gray rainy day, so for the activity I chose going to the American Sign Museum - since we had never been. That one got mixed reviews though. It was definitely smaller than I thought it would be and even though we learned a couple of interesting facts about neon signs the girls, especially Bella, were not particularly impressed. Sofia told me she liked it, but I get the feeling that she was just trying to be nice. I think what she meant is that she really liked spending the day together.