Sunday, September 30, 2018


Sep 30,

Today is our 3rd month anniversary in the new house and it was another warm, sunny, perfectly gorgeous day. I so wish every day could be like this. Bella went to play with the neighbors and spent the bulk of the time outside. Sofia had a lot of homework as usual, but I convinced her to help me plant tulips for a little bit, and to sit outside to do the homework that did not require the computer. I also took Zoey for a 30 minute walk, and we are planning to go walk again after dinner. 

Room with a view

Sep 30,

I love the view from our bedroom in the new house. I like seeing the street from high up, and there is plenty of green, including our front yard. I wish I could spend more time here, and just watch people walk and run by for a while.


Sep 29,

The sun came out today, and the weather warmed up, so I couldn't possible be any happier. It was cool for our morning 12 mile run, which made for perfect running weather, but it got warmer by the time Bella had her soccer game. After our long run, I happily sat on my camping chair watching them play. We then had lunch sitting on the deck, and I even stayed there for a little while just enjoying the sunshine over my legs. It was hard to get up and go, but I had a few other things that I wanted to get done. So I got up and kept going. I did end up taking a nap later in the day, before we went to our friend Sandra's house, because I was tired and my legs were sore. But I was happy to spend most of the day outside, enjoying the weather, because I know we don't have many more days like this left this year. 

See you later Creamy Whip!

Sep 28,

Today was our last Friday trip to Creamy Whip, as it closes for the season this Sunday. It is such a bummer that the summer is over, but I do love that we continue the tradition and we will be looking forward to when it opens back again next April. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Soccer games

Sep 23,

This weekend Bella had two soccer games, one yesterday and one today. Yesterday it was cold and rainy, but today they got lucky as the sun actually came out and the weather warmed up a lot. They also took home two victories, and today Bella got to play with her brand new soccer shoes as the previous ones were already getting too tight.


Sep 22,

Today we ran 11 miles on our way to this year's Queen Bee Half Marathon. The weather was cooler and nicer for a run than it was last week, but it was a ridiculously hilly run. 980 elevation feet to be exact. Not surprisingly, later in the day I definitely needed a nap.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Dividend Day 2018

Sep 16,

White walls

Sep 16,

The house projects continue, and this morning I painted the walls surrounding the garage doors.  They are now white, and in my own humble opinion they look so much better. A lot cleaner.

Soccer game

Sep 15,

Today was a hot one for Bella's soccer game, and unfortunately they lost 3-4, but at least she had a good cheering section.

10 miles

Sep 15,

Today we had to run 10 miles as part of our training for the Queen Bee Half Marathon, and it was a hot one. It was quite muggy and most people had to walk/run, including me, especially during the second half of the run. At least we were in good company.

My Mexican Lion

Sep 14,

Today Bella put this around her head and said she was my Mexican Lion. This is a picture of her roaring oh so powerfully.

Sands Open House

Sep 13,

This evening was Open House at Sands, where we got to meet the new teachers and walk around the school. We also got to see one of Bella's projects, where they choose their favorite part of their body. Apparently for Bella it was her hands.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Rain, rain, go away

Sep 9,

This week has been a complete soggy mess. It started to rain during the week, and it did not stop at all the entire weekend. I had plans to do work outside the house, but that was clearly not an option. At least we had time to catch up on laundry, put stuff away from our dinner with friends a couple of weeks ago, put together our new headboard, and prepare for the week. It was not exactly a fun weekend, but at least it was a productive one. 

Bella's Top Ten

Sep 5,

At school Bella had to make a list of her 10 favorite places. She doesn't even know how lucky she is to have a list like this.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Sep 2,

I saw this on Instragram and it made me happy. Good job Coke. Good job. I am still not drinking Coke though, but elotes: Bring them on!

Shakira in Las Vegas

Sep 2,

I have never been a big fan of Las Vegas, but when I saw that Shakira was playing here, and on a holiday weekend, I was the first one to suggest that we came here for our anniversary trip. Lionel loves Las Vegas, and I love a bunch of Shakira's songs, so it was a win-win for both of us. Leaving the girls is never easy, but we had a great time at the concert, Lionel is having fun going to the Casinos to play poker, and I have enjoyed a couple of long workouts at the giant gym. It really makes a difference not having to rush to get started with the day. Yesterday I ran 9.5 miles and today I ran 5, followed by time to stretch, do the foam roller, and even do some weights for my arms. All while listening to music that gave me energy and made me happy.


Aug 28,

Sofia always liked this t-shirt and in fact is wearing it for one of her school pictures. Now Bella inherited it and we decided to take a picture of her wearing it so we can put the pictures side by side later.