Sunday, October 28, 2018

Halloween Costume

Oct 28,

Our last activity of the day was working on Bella's Halloween costume. She is going to be a ladybug again, but needed a warmer version than what she wore a couple of weeks ago for the gymnastics party.

Sofia Mami Time

Oct 28,

This afternoon Sofia and I went to a couples massage. It was a treat for her for being such a good and responsible student. And I also really needed the down time. 

Abuelito's Birthday

Oct 28,

Today was Abuelito's birthday, and even though he did not want an actual celebration we still cut cake. The Eshwars couldn't be there in person, so Bella took a picture of them from the fridge for the birthday picture.

Pumpkin festival

Oct 28,

Bella had been wanting to go to the Pumpkin festival, but for one reason or another we hadn't been able to - until today. It was our last chance, as the festival ended today. Lionel was playing soccer, and Sofia had no interest, so it was Mami-Bella time. And we had a great time! Bella was really happy that we finally went, and even though it was cool - especially when the wind blew - the sun did come out. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Saturday night baking

Oct 27,

Bella won a cake at the Sands Carnival, and was very happy about it because she was going to give it to Abuelito for his birthday. Unfortunately the cake container was not properly sealed, and I dropped the cake when we were about to get into the house. Bella was really sad and disappointed, and I fell terrible, so this evening we made another one. 

Sands Carnival 2018

Oct 27,

Today was the Sands Carnival. I volunteered for a little bit at one of the preschool games, Goldfish Toss, but then walked around with the girls watching them enjoy the games. I was tired, because something gave me an allergic reaction while volunteering and that took everything out of me, but it was nice that for once this year we were not in a rush to leave.

Tired dog

Oct 27,

Yes Zoey, waking up is hard to do.

Wednesday walk

Oct 24,

Monday evening

Oct 22,

This evening the weather was cool but dry, so after our walk with Zoey we enjoyed a trampoline session. Sofia went in first, because she had homework, but Bella and I stayed out there for a while. The static made her hair really crazy, but it was a good way to end the day. We had a lot of fun. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

The chair

Oct 21,

This afternoon Sofia helped me put together the chair Bella and I painted the other weekend. We made some mistakes and had to redo a couple of parts, which was annoying, but we did finish. We did not put it outside yet though because I think it needs a final coat of paint before we do. 

Family lunch

Oct 21,

Family lunch before Gabi had to go back to her new home.

Dinner and Drinks

Oct 20,

Tonight we went out for dinner as a family and then Gabi and I met our friend Rebecca for a couple of drinks - since she wasn't able to come to my birthday dinner. We did not want to miss out on the opportunity to catch up since Gabi was in town.

Last soccer games

Oct 20,

Today Bella had a soccer tournament, the last event of the fall soccer season. They played 2 games, and unfortunately lost both, but they played really well during the first game. It was probably the best they played the entire season. The weather was sunny, and it wasn't too cold in general, but when the wind blew it definitely felt much worse. The kids didn't seem to mind though, and I was prepared with the right layers.

Birthday dinner with friends

Oct 19,

For my birthday (and my Dad's upcoming birthday) my sister came to visit this weekend - the best Birthday present! And tonight we went out to celebrate with a few of our closest friends. It was nice to celebrate my birthday again and being able to catch up.

Evening Walk

Oct 18,

We really like being in Hyde Park. We are closer to everything and - unlike our previous neighborhood - there are plenty of routes to pick from for an evening walk.

Braces - Round 2

Oct 18,

Sofia got braces again today. This is round 2, as the treatment started when she was about Bella's age. She is bummed there are things she will not be able to eat for a while, but this will ensure she has plenty of room for all her adult teeth and they don't end up on top of each other.