Sunday, January 27, 2019

A winter walk in the woods

Jan 27,

This afternoon Bella, Lionel and I went for a walk in the woods. Bella had been asking to go, but during the week we get home too late and I didn't want to go without Lionel anyway. It was cold, and there were plenty of icy and muddy spots along the way, but we had a great time. Bella had a smile on her face the entire time.

A dog's way home

Jan 27,

Today Bella and I went to see A dog's way home. Lionel and Sofia did not want to go, so it was Mami-Bella time. Unfortunately Bella thought the movie was too sad, and did not like it at all. Even though she is the one that pays the least attention to our sweet Zoey, I think she was happy to come home and see her safe and sound.

Abuelita's Birthday

Jan 25,

Monday, January 21, 2019

Sunday, January 20, 2019

A quiet weekend

Jan 20,

This has been a quiet and mostly indoor weekend due to the rain, snow, and really cold weather. Last night we played some Loteria before we watched a movie together, and today only Lionel went out to clear the snow from the sidewalk and driveway, and pick up some Deweys Pizza for dinner. I stayed inside, but made myself useful doing laundry and working on the mantel. Bella and I also almost went sledding, but she ended up deciding that it was too cold for that. At least that is what she said, although I believe the real reason is that Sofia didn't want to go and Bella did not want to go without her.


Jan 18,

Courtesy of someone at the school. A picture of the choir kids hard at work.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

A full winter day

Jan 13,

We probably got 2 more inches of snow overnight, so today was a full winter day. Snowy walk with the dog in the morning and afternoon, and going sledding with the girls and two of their friends. 

Food Prep

Jan 13,

And this is what happens on a typical Sunday as part of getting ready for the week. A lot of food prep to be ready to quickly assemble lunches in the morning, and - if possible - to have a head start on dinners.

Rosca encore

Jan 12,

Today we got together with some friends to celebrate and eat Rosca all over again. Bella, Lionel and I got the baby, but that is Ok. Everybody is getting together in Feb anyway to make tamales as a group. So we are not alone. 

Snowy Run

Jan 12,

This morning we woke up to a couple inches of snow. We debated whether or not to go running, but Lionel and I ended up going for a 4 mile run. I enjoyed the view but struggled during the run. The uneven surface made it more challenging, and for some reason (probably the fact that I was sick for like 10 days) it was a little hard to breathe.

Living Room

Jan 11,

After a few weeks of construction, and a couple of weeks waiting for the last piece of trim, the living room is finally finished. The very last touch will be sanding the mantel and staining it a lighter color, but I will do that myself. That is a project for another weekend.

Sunday, January 6, 2019


Jan 6,

This afternoon we cut rosca at the new house, and without tios, for the first time. But at least we Facetimed them to say hi.

If you move, I move

Jan 6,

Zoey loves being next to me. So if I am in the kitchen, she is right there. If I move to the living room, she is right there too.  Always just a few steps away that girl.

Farmers Market

Jan 6,

The Hyde Park farmers market moves indoor for the winter, to a school that is only a few minutes from our house. We hadn't been, but this morning Lionel, Bella, Zoey and I walked there. It was much smaller than during the summer, but they still had the good bread, and some yummy fresh vegetables. Plus we got some fresh air on the way there and back.

Dia de Reyes!

Jan 6,

This morning Bella was excited to see what they got from the Reyes Magos. They each got a book, Sofia got a Sudoku booklet and $13, and Bella got Brain Quest cards and $10.

Mami-Bella Day

Jan 5,

Today we finally had our Mami-Bella day. We got lucky because it was sunny and another relatively warm day. We first worked a bit more on our dress, and then went out for lunch at Deweys. Surprisingly it was not packed - or maybe we beat the rush - so we got out of there relatively quickly. Bella wanted to go to King Arthur's Court, because she still had a gift certificate from her birthday, so we did. We were there for a little while, and she ended up getting a Chemistry Set - which I approved of. Since we still had time, we went to the Lego store at the mall to get some tan bricks. We are going to use them to build a Lego replica of our house. That is a project for another day though.