Sunday, February 24, 2019


Feb 23,

My poor Sofia is having a rough couple of weeks. It seems like she is picking up every germ she finds at school. 

Spring is coming

Feb 22,

In the last couple of days I noticed that the tulips we planted in the fall are starting to come out. Spring is finally nearby.

Good coworkers

Feb 20,

I missed Valentine's Day in the office while we were on vacation, but when I was back today I found this on my desk. My co-worker Arthur got one for each one of us. He is always so nice. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Vail - Day 5

Feb 18,

Good bye Vail. Good bye Colorado. Good bye for now.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Vail - Day 4

Feb 17,

This morning Isabel went back home. Saying good bye is always hard, but Bella - who I was the most worried about - did Ok. It was probably because we were heading out to ski, which got her excited and distracted. It also helped that she really liked Sarah, who was skiing with us for the weekend. We went all over the place, including the back bowls, and to try to avoid the crowds came all the way down for lunch. By then Bella was cold, and super cranky, and said that she was done skiing for the day. Luckily after food and a bit of rest she felt better, and decided to continue skiing with the rest of us until pretty much 4:00 pm. At the end of the day she also got a prize from Sarah, which she got to pick herself. She got a banana stuffed animal, which skied with us during our last run tucked into Bella's jacket. 

After hanging out with Sarah for a little while, and taking showers, Lionel and I went out for a walk while everybody else was getting ready for dinner. It was cold, but it was a nice walk as the town is really beautiful. 

For dinner we went to a French restaurant, and the stuffed banana got to come too. Since it was cold, Bella also put a hat on it. Very motherly and considerate of her.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Vail - Day 3

Feb 16,

Today was really cold. It was snowing, and even though our bodies were properly covered our faces were being hit with the snow and the wind - and were simply freezing. It was so cold that my face felt like it was burning,  especially my forehead. And I accumulated little chunks of ice on my hair. Since it was snowing we also skied in fresh power, which is lovely but a lot more difficult. I fell a few times because of that, but nothing major. No injuries. The girls skied with Isabel and a private teacher, and sounds like they had fun and the teacher really pushed them. The even did a couple of double black diamonds. We also skied one last run all together before we called it a day, except for Lionel who took off with the teacher to more challenging terrain. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be even colder, so I hope we don't have snow as well.

Vail - Day 2

Feb 15,

This morning Lionel, Bella and I left for skiing at the usual time, but Sofia and grandpa stayed at the rental apartment. Since Sofia had been sick all week, and was still not feeling her best the night before, we were not sure she would be in good enough shape for skiing. Luckily she was feeling better, and they met us later in the morning. We had a good day overall, sunny at times and not too cold, but I think the highlight of the day for the girls was when Isabel got here. Especially for Bella since she misses her so much. For Lionel and I it was also nice to see her and catch up.

Vail - Day 1

Feb 14,

After getting up quite early, taking our flight to Denver, and driving up the mountain, we arrived in Vail this afternoon. My poor Sofia was still sick, after being sick pretty much all week with a nasty cold, but she hung in there most of the day like a champ. Besides getting the rental skis, and buying breakfast for the week, we also got a few souvenirs. You never know how much time - or energy - you will have on skiing days, so we decided it was better not to leave it for later.


Feb 14,

For the last few years I have given the girls a soft blanket on Valentine's day, and Bella made sure to remind me that this year she wanted to continue the tradition. So I did. In fact, I had already bought them when she told me. We had to get up super early to travel, so we didn't have much time to unwrap them, but Bella immediately loved the light-up heart that came with it. Made her happy.

Lost doggie

Feb 11,

This morning, as Bella and I were heading to school, we found a lost dog across the street from our house. It was raining, and he looked hurt or just miserable, so we picked him up and took him to our house. He did have a tag from an animal hospital, so we called to let them know we found him. It turned out that he only lives a few houses from ours, and that he is 17 and a half years old! So he was not hurt, he was just really old. They came to pick him up pretty quickly, which was good ... even though Bella and I were partially disappointed because he was cute and we were already plotting to keep him.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

New shoes!

Feb 10,

Today I got myself new running shoes. The old ones have almost 300 miles in them, so it was time for a change. So excited to run in them tomorrow morning. New running shoes always feel so great!


Feb 9,

Today was the yearly Tamaliza. We worked very, very hard all day and made the tamales from scratch. We started at noon, and everybody went home past 11 pm. Bella wasn't necessarily in a helping mood, but I made her help with 5. It was tons of work, but they turned out so good!