Sunday, April 14, 2019

The trees of spring

Apr 14,

Vegetable Garden

Apr 14,

This afternoon Bella and I put together one of our two raised vegetable gardens. Unfortunately we did not realize that moving it would be extremely difficult, and struggled a while with it until we finally got it stable. We then went to buy the soil, but ended up not moving our little plants outside because it is supposed to get cold tomorrow. Maybe next weekend we will finally be able to do it.

Happy Birthday Sofifi!

Apr 13,

It is hard to believe, but Sofia just turned 14! She celebrated most of the day hanging out with her friends, but in the evening we had our traditional cake cutting with the family.

First soccer game of the spring

Apr 13,

Today was the Pink Dolphins' first game of the season. Abuelitos, Lionel and I went to see it while Sofia hung out with her friends. Unfortunately they lost - because of a ref mistake if I may say so - but Bella still had a great time. This was also the first game that Lionel and another dad coached, as coach Miriam can't coach this spring. 

12 miles!

Apr 13,

This morning Lionel and I completed our longest run of the flying pig training season. It wasn't easy - it never is, -  but we finished. And made good time. 

Ice cream

Apr 12,

Our street

Apr 9,

Our street in the spring.


Apr 9,

The tulips Sofia and I planted in the fall are coming out, and they are so so pretty. We just love tulips!


Apr 8,

My favorite lacrosse view of the evening.

Morning at the park

Apr 8,

This morning, for once, Bella and I were not rushing to get her to school. So during our drive we stopped by Ault Park for a few minutes to take pictures of the beautiful spring trees. 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Warm and Sunny

Apr 6,

Today was warm and sunny - totally my type of weather. Unfortunately Bella was sick and spent most of the day inside the house. But in the late afternoon, while Sofia was hanging out with her friends, we sat outside on the trampoline soaking in the sun. First I read to her, then we just sat there, and then Lionel joined us as well. It was - by far- the most relaxing part of our day. Maybe even the week.

10 hilly miles

Apr 6,

This morning Lionel and I did our 10 mile run. It was really hilly and tough, my right knee wasn't super happy, and he definitely did not enjoy the last 3 miles. But we got it done.

Twilight Ball 2019

Apr 5,

Tonight was the Twilight Ball at Walnut, for 7th and 8th graders. Sofia went with her group of friends, and meanwhile a few of the little sisters had a play date together. The families also had dinner together before hand, which was nice because the parents got to hang out and get to know each other a little better.

Creamy Whip is back!

Apr 5,

Creamy Whip opened again this week, so today we restarted our Friday tradition after picking Bella up from school.

Spring is here!

Apr 5,

Spring is here, and everything is blooming now. I am sure we will still have a few days of bad weather here and there, but hopefully the worst is already behind us.


Apr 3,

Tonight was tough. The lacrosse game was really far away, and Sofia barely got to play, so she - understandably so - was really disappointed. Since there was another Walnut game before them, and they all had to go together on the school bus, she had invested about 4 hours in the whole thing, while her homework waited, all to have less than 2 minutes of play time. She was disappointed, disheartened, frustrated and angry. 

It was really hard seeing her like that and not being able to make it better. But we talked to her and made sure she knew that, no matter what, we are always on her side.