Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nature walk

Oct 27,

This afternoon the weather was sunny and mild, so I suggested that we took a walk at the Ault Park trails with the dog. Someone may have resisted saying it would be muddy, but at the end we all went. It was not really muddy, or crowded, so it was a very nice walk. And after how crazy our weeks have been, it was nice to be in the woods and feel a sense of calm.

Crepas by Bella

Oct 27,

Sands Carnival 2019

Oct 26,

This year, for the first time, Sofia offered to volunteer on my behalf. I did not even ask. She actually offered, which was really nice! Her friend Samantha came to help her, so they got to volunteer and hang out.

Creamy Whip

Oct 25,

This Friday only Sofia and I went to Creamy Whip. Since the weather is getting colder, we ate our ice cream inside next to all the weird decorations they have around.

Sands Grandparents Day 2019

Oct 25,


Oct 24,

After an extremely long, and accidentally imposed hiatus, this week I went back to Mexico for the first time in 12 years! I went on a business trip, with a very quick 2 day turnaround, but it still counts. Lulu, my best friend from high school came to see me, and it was great to catch up. I also got to see the Dia de Muertos decorations at the airport and the office. And even though I barely left the building, as the hotel and the office are pretty much connected, it was great to be back. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Burger Farm Pumkin Festival

Oct 20,

After Bella's soccer game Lionel and Sofia went home, but Bella and I went to the Burger Farm Pumpkin Festival. We had a great time together last year, and Bella really wanted to go back. The weather got even warmer by then - a rare 76 degrees - so there were no sweaters, or scarves, or warm apple cider. But Bella enjoyed running around, the games,  a ride, and mami-Bella time.

Three Game Weekend

Oct 20,

This weekend was a 3 game weekend as Bella's team had a tournament. The first game was Saturday at 8:45 am, in freezing weather. When we got there you could see the fog hovering over the field, and it was about 38 degrees. But it warmed up to the mid sixties by the second game at 2:45 pm. They lost the first game but won the second one, so they also had a game today at 12:20. The weather was even more beautiful, as it climbed all the way to the 70s. Bella's team lost today's game, but they fought hard until the end. And that was that. The soccer season is now officially over. 

My Birthday!

Oct 17,

Today I traveled for almost 20 hours all the way from Geneva to Cincinnati, and made it home in the evening just in time to cut cake with my family. Traditions are traditions, and cake cutting can not be missed.