Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday game

 Sep 26,

Today the girls played very well the first half, and they were were up 1-0, but ended up losing 2-1 in the end. They worked very hard, and did not deserve to lose, but the other team got a penalty and scored towards the end of the game.


 Sep 22,

I guess this is how boredom looks like...

Sunday, September 20, 2020

A win!

 Sep 20,

Today it was a win for the White Panthers: 4-2.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Today's game

 Sep 19,

Today the White Panthers (Bella's new team name) lost 3-0. But they were not too upset after the game.  I think they are still quite happy that they even get to play.


 Sep 19.

A little more of today's reality... I thought we were past this point, but I guess not yet. This is the paper towels isle.

11 miles

 Sep 19,

This morning I completed my 11 mile run in honor of RBG . The road she traveled was much longer than that, fighting for our rights. May she rest in peace.


 Sep 15,

When I planted these tomatoes I knew they were small, but I did not know they were THAT small. We have also gotten a good amount of peppers.

Matching horns

 Sep 14,

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Little Devil

 Sep 13,

This afternoon Sofia and I found this headband at the dollar store and got it for Bella. It reminded us of the one Bella used to wear all the time when she was little. Then, as it turns out, Bella still has the old one. She found it somewhere in a drawer.

Soccer games

 Sep 13,

This weekend Bella finally got to play not one, but two soccer games. It was great to be out there again, and seeing her happily run around with her team.

10 miles

 Sep 12,

This morning was a 10 miles type of morning.

Ice cream

 Sep 11,

Friday cuddles

 Sep 11,

Thursday smile

 Sep 10,

A full on smile after soccer practice.

Little mask

 Sep 7,

One of the masks I made turned out so small that it fit Honeysuckle perfectly. I didn't quite intend to spend my time making a mask for the stuffed bear, but at least she matches us.

Monday, September 7, 2020


 Sep 7,

Today I made some masks. They turned out well. But considering how long it took me, I guess they also turned out quite expensive.

New family members

 Sep 7,

Nothing new during labor day weekend, except for a few new family members. Algodon de Azucar (Cotton candy) is my new pastel-colored Beta fish. Mini (since she is so small) is Sofia's new Beta fish. And we also got two tropical little ones that are yet to be named. My fish are in the office, and Sofia's is in her room - right next to the one she already had.