Saturday, October 24, 2020

Last soccer game

 Oct 24,

Today was Bella's last soccer game. I was bummed for her because the soccer season has been giving her something to do 3 times a week. But I am also incredibly grateful that they actually had a season. They only had 4 teams, and the season was shortened, but they were out there nonetheless. And Bella had a great time. 

Drive Thru Flu Shot

 Oct 24,

On another pandemic reality, today's flu shot clinic was setup on the parking lot of the pediatrician's office.


 Oct 22,

Afternoon walk while Bella had her gathering with her soccer team to celebrate the end of the season.


 Oct 20,

Back to school

 Oct 20,

After months and months stuck at home, today Bella FINALLY got to go back to school. They only get to go twice a week - at least for now - but at this point 2 days is much better than nothing. She was excited!

The office

 Oct 19,

After 7 months working from home, today I went to the office. Going in to get my flu shot was a good excuse to check it out. It was nice to visit for a bit, but I also found it very, very distracting. It was, by far, my least productive day since this whole pandemic started. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Pumpkins ... encore

 Oct 18,

Today I did have time to carve pumpkins with Bella, so we did.

Morning Views

 Oct 18,

Happy Birthday to me!

 Oct 17,

Today's game

 Oct 17,

The panthers lost today, and Bella was bummed, but it was sunny and not too cold.  A good day to sit outside for a little while.

15th Half Marathon

 Oct 17,

15th half marathon. 2nd on my actual birthday. 1st virtual one. When the girls and I picked up my packet I was disappointed that the shirt and medal were Flying Pig, and not Queen Bee ones, but I still planned to get up and get it done. Lionel ran the first four miles with me, but I was struggling to breath and told him to go ahead because it was going to be a slow one for me. All things considered I did not do too bad, with an average of 10:24 per mile. It was slower than my previous ones, but I was still happy to get it under my belt. 


 Oct 13,

Everyone was busy today, so my poor gordita carved her pumpkin all alone. Good thing that she didn't seem to mind and enjoyed sitting on the deck for a little while.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


 Oct 11,

While Bella and I went horse back riding, Lionel and Sofia went bike riding.  They met Bella and me at my parent's house, since we stopped there to say hello on our back way back home.

Horse back riding

 Oct 11,

Bella got invited to a birthday party at a horse back riding place. We went together, so it ended up being mami-Bella's adventure of the weekend. The ride was a full hour. We felt fine today, but I am sure we are going to be hurting tomorrow.


 Oct 11,

Today I took Zoey for a much needed shower. She does not love it, but I am pretty sure she doesn't hate it either. Besides, a shower is always followed by A LOT of brushing time. And she definitely loves that.


 Oct 11,

Views from this morning's walk with the dog.


 Oct 10,

Today the panthers lost 3-0. They were playing the strongest team on the league and they knew it, so at least they were not super bummed or disappointed.


 Oct 10,

Sofia loving her dog as usual, and Zoey looking all formal as if she was truly posing for the picture.


 Oct 7,

Bella says that for Halloween she is going to be a little Devil. Earlier today she was trying on a couple of options.

Cooking Lesson

Oct 5,

Sofia does not like cooking at all, but now and then we manage to get her in the kitchen - at least for a few minutes.


Sunday, October 4, 2020


 Oct 4,

Memories are not always accurate or complete. Sometimes I wonder if when Sofia looks back she will remember that I tend to spend more time with Bella, but will neglect to remember that is because she prefers to stay at home, doing her own thing, and chooses to spend less time with me.

Yellow Springs

 Oct 4,

Today Bella really wanted to get out of the house, and Sofia and Lionel didn't care, so we did different things. Bella and I drove to Yellow Springs, which is about 1 hour away. We only walked around for a little bit, but also stopped by a market to buy apples, local honey, maple syrup and a couple other things. She was happy to get out of the house and do something different. If the weather had been nicer we could have walked around a bit more, and go on some of the trails. Maybe we will do that some other time.