Sunday, November 29, 2020

Happy Birthday Lionel!

 Nov 29,

Since today is Lionel's birthday, and we couldn't make any special plans because of Covid-19, we at least gave him the day off from house chores and made him his favorite chocolate cake. Since Bella can not eat gluten, and I did not want her to feel left out, I made a gluten-free one as well. I actually split the recipe in two so we didn't have too much cake. Sofia helped make the icing and decorate.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Back home

 Nov 28,

After a week quarantining with the Eshwars, today we made the trek back home. Sofia slept for a little at the beginning of the drive, but I guess Bella was really tired because she slept and slept.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 Nov 26,

Another international dinner by the kids, with ingredient shopping and cleaning support from the adults. During dinner we all shared what we are thankful for, which this year particularly included family, health, and financial stability. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Birthday Bella!

 Nov 25,

Happy 12th Birthday to our sweet, smart, positive Bella. As a birthday gift she got what she wanted most: To spend it with her cousins. We also made her a cake (gluten-free of course) and Sofia made her chocolate-covered strawberries. As a gift she also got a butterfly-shaped necklace and earrings set, new tennis shoes, and a tortilla-shaped blanket. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Fall view

 Nov 15,

Sunday morning run

 Nov 15,

This morning Bella and I went for a 3 mile run around Ault Park. It was windy, but it was not too cold. And I loved the company.


 Nov 14,

Bella decided that she is going to learn how to knit. So we started tonight.

Office day

 Nov 10,

Today I made it to the office to welcome my new hire. There were about 5 of us from our group, which by today's standards I guess it was a crowd.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Beautiful Sunday

 Nov 9,

Today was another beautiful day, and we used it well. Bella and I ran 3.5 miles, we then walked to Coffee Emporium, Lionel and I worked on the yard, I took Sofia to her lacrosse game, we got Yagoot, and in the evening went to see my parents for a little while. 

We are all tired and ready to sit around and relax for the rest of the day. I will probably not wait too long to call it a day.

A Warm Saturday

 Nov 7,

Today was an unusually warm day, which allowed for a pleasant walk with the dog, a morning run, and an afternoon outdoor get together with friends. It was a good day.

Sunday, November 1, 2020


 Nov 1,

A little bit of scrabble for a little variety in our usual weekend activities.

Halloween in times of Covid-19

 Oct 31,

Bella was really excited for Halloween, and this afternoon we finished her costume. Sofia didn't really care, and was focused on a lacrosse game she had at 5:00 pm. I was not sure if people would be passing out candy, but just in case kids did come we were prepared. Fortunately at least down our street people were definitely ready for it - just with additional precautions like setting a table outside Vs people coming up to your door, and wearing masks. We did get lucky with warm enough weather (warm enough for October anyway) especially considering that were sitting outside.

When Lionel and Sofia came back from her lacrosse game Lionel walked around with Bella, and Sofia and I passed out candy until it got dark. There were not as many kids as usual, but there were enough that it felt somewhat normal - minus the masks, and the distance, and all that.

Last Creamy Whip of the season

 Oct 31,

Sofia wanted to make sure that we stopped by Creamy Whip one last time before they closed for the season, so we did.