Thursday, December 31, 2020

Good Bye 2020. Hello 2021

 Dec 31,

There is no doubt that, all around the world, 2020 will be remembered as a crappy year. We will be no different. We lost opportunities that will never come back (like Sofia’s 9th grade trip that she was so sad to miss), we lost one job, and many, many freedoms: The freedom to go visit family, to gather with friends, to travel, to go to restaurants, to go out without fear of being infected or worse, to be infected and then give it to someone more vulnerable than us. This was also supposed to be the year that, after finishing the project that absorbed my life for the last year and a half, Bella and I would get back to our morning routine for the last time, before she goes to 7th grade and starts school much earlier. Clearly, that did not happen.

Still, we are some of the lucky ones because we are all still here. And our loses do not compare with the loses hundreds of thousands of families have experienced in the last few months. For that, we are very much grateful. 

While everyone knows that things will not miraculously get better by tomorrow, and that it will take time for everyone to get the vaccine and for things to start going back to "normal", there is something to be said for closing this chapter.

Good bye 2020. Hello 2021. Fingers crossed for all of us.

Flash Visit

 Dec 31,

Flash visit to wish Abuelitos a Happy New Year, without putting them at risk.

Last morning walk of 2020

 Dec 31,

This morning, when Zoey and I went out for our walk, it was freezing cold. There were even small chunks of ice all over the grass. My phone said it was 30 degrees, but it felt like 22. Zoey has a built-in coat though, I was dressed properly, and we kept moving. So it didn’t feel too bad and it was a good way to start the last day of the year. After all, walking is one of the things that has kept us sane all these months.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Mami-Bella Day

 Dec 30,

Today was Mami-Bella day, which ended up being a shopping day. It was rainy, so doing something outdoors was not necessarily an option.

Among other things, Bella got a super soft blanket for her bed and new sheets. We also got carry out from Nordstrom again, which we again ate in the car to avoid taking our masks off in an indoor place. Bella asked to sit in the front seat while we ate and, since it was a novelty, was happy to let me take her picture while she ate. We then came back home, setup the projector in my room, and watched a movie together. It was like our very own small movie theater - popcorn and all.

Festival of Lights 2020

 Dec 29,

Covid-19 has stopped many things, but luckily going to the Festival of Lights was not one of them. We had to make some adjustments of course, but still made it there.

Apple Cake

 Dec 29,

While Sofia and I were at Mami-Fifi day, Bella and Lionel had Papi-Bella day and made this yummy cake.

Mami-Fifi Day

 Dec 29,

Today was Mami-Fifi day. Sofia wanted to paint pottery, so we went to the place that is 5 minutes from our house. Unfortunately it was closed, and so was the one in Anderson, so it was not looking good. Fortunately we found one in Madeira, only 15 minutes from home. We originally thought we would spend about 90 minutes there, but ended up spending two and a half hours. After that, we got carry out from Nordstrom Cafe and ate it in the car. I was going to take a picture of her, but she didn't think she would look good and blocked it with a napkin. Sofia also wanted to check out a couple of jewelry stores, and buy some jeans, so we did. By the time we came back home it was about 5:30 pm, just in time to pick up Lionel and Bella and go to the festival of lights.


 Dec 26,

I think Zoey likes her blanket. We gave it to her as a Christmas gift.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Bananagrams - The final tournament

 Dec 25,

Tonight we had our last Bananagrams session. Sofia joined later and did not want to take another picture, but it was a full house for the last night of vacation.

Christmas Morning - Santa has arrived!

 Dec 25,

Santa arrived this morning at the Eshwar home, and left us gifts for the kids and a special Bananagrams message.

Christmas Eve 2020

 Dec 24,

Board games, Facetime with Abuelitos to open their gifts, Facetime with Grandma and Grandpa, piano playing by the kids,  carry out, chocolate covered strawberries, tres leches cake, and regalos. Through everything that has happened this year, we are still a very lucky and grateful bunch.