Sunday, February 28, 2021

Lacrosse sign

 Feb 28,

This was a sweet surprise today. I didn't know they were making these signs, but one showed up at home today. I guess the coach and her daughter spent the day dropping them off. It was a nice detail, and we are happy that the girls finally get to start playing again.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

More dog pictures

 Feb 27,

We still don't go out much, so besides work and school our routine is all about the dogs.


 Feb 27,

Bella made some yummy  strawberry and lemon cupcakes today.

Dirty snow

 Feb 27,

The snow is mostly gone, but there are still mountains of dirty snow in the parking lots.


 Feb 26,

Today I got my plaque from work for my 15 anniversary. Usually your boss hands it to you, and people sign your anniversary card, but since we are all at home they just mailed it to me.

Melting snow

 Feb 24,

This week the snow finally started melting, and we were able to see the sidewalk during our morning walk.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

15th Anniversary!

 Feb 21,

Today is my 15th Anniversary with P&G. Every 5 years you get to pick a gift from a catalog, and I just got the link to pick mine this time around. I haven't looked, but I hope there is some good stuff in there. It is a nice treat.

Since we are all still at home my team did a virtual celebration earlier this week. It is not the same of course, but it was a nice detail.

The girls' week

 Feb 21,

The children

 Feb 21,

Front Seat

 Feb 20,

Bella is now old enough to sit in the front seat, and today she claimed the right to it for the very first time.


 Feb 19,

Morning views

 Feb 18,

Monday, February 15, 2021

Day Off

 Feb 15,

Today is a welcomed, much needed, and deserved day off. I started the day with an early morning walk with the girls, made Bella breakfast in bed (since she is always doing so much for us), and did a whole lot of kitchen prep for lunch and for the week.

At some point today I also need to catch up on all the school emails, which have been accumulating in my inbox because I never have time to read them during the week.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day

 Feb 14,

We are not super into Valentine's Day, but we make the effort. I got the girls a couple of small gifts, Bella made us pancakes, she made Lionel a card, and even decorated the table.


 Feb 13,

Kika is so athletic that she looks light as a feather when jumping, and she effortlessly jumps on the couch - where we do NOT want her.

Sledding and Walking

 Feb 13,

This afternoon Bella met one of her good friends from school at Ault Park to go sledding. Sofia was doing homework, but Lionel and I took her there and walked the girls in the meantime. It was cold, but we managed.

Zoey and Kika's Week

 Feb 13,


 Feb 12,

Kika has learned that she can use these chimes to tell us when she needs to go outside to pee or poop. Unfortunately she is abusing a little, and going there when she wants to go outside to play - which is basically all the time given that she loves the snow, and there is plenty of snow outside. Even Zoey is now using them, according to the girls. I have not seen it myself, but I would not be surprised if she also wants "in".

My plants

 Feb 10,

This is what it takes right now to keep my plants alive. We have made a tunnel between the couches, put all the plants there, and found a way to block Kika's way so she doesn't chew on them. Glass half full: They are all getting natural light from the skylights.