Sunday, March 20, 2022

Good Bye Bike

 Mar 20,

Today I gave Bella's old bike to one of my friends so she can use it for her little girl. It seems like yesterday that Bella was this size but it really has been a good 6 years. We blinked and she is now 13.

Freezing Game

 Mar 19,

Today was Sofia's first lacrosse game of the season and it was freezing. I know it was not just me because all the parents were bundled up. I was cold, but I was mostly worried and feeling bad about the girls standing in the sidelines waiting to go in. Lionel and Bella were at the FC game, and after that Bella went to the mall with her friends, but Lionel came over to catch the end of the game with me.


 Mar 19,

Today I took my dad out for lunch, the first time we have gone out together in a very long time. The last time was before the pandemic started. My parents continue to be cautious, but I was glad he agreed to come out. 

First Lacrosse Game

 Mar 16,

This evening was Bella's very first lacrosse game ever. They lost 15-0. Since they are just learning the game the result was not a surprise, and at least the weather was nice. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Not much

Mar 13,

Between work, the strange weather, and getting sick again, it kind of feels like all I have done as of late is work and walk the dogs. It is a good thing we are getting close to the spring, because I am definitely over winter. 


Sick and FCC

 Mar 5,

I had the poor fortune of getting really sick once again. I picked up  another super nasty cold and was sick and miserable for pretty much an entire week. Today Lionel and I were supposed to go to the FCC game together, because Bella had a birthday party, but instead I spent the day curled up on the couch. The only good thing is that Sofia went with Lionel, and they had a good time together.