Monday, April 25, 2022

All the lacrosse posts

 Apr 25,

I am fully aware that most of the lacrosse posts, and pictures of the field, look pretty much the same. But I like posting them because one day, when the girls are all grown up and gone, I will miss them terribly and will probably second guess whether or not we spent enough time with them. Maybe they will do the same. And when, and if that happens, may these posts be a reminder that yes, rain and shine, and despite frigid weather, we consistently showed up to be there for them.

Tulips 2022

 Apr 24,

Thursday Night Lacrosse

 Apr 21,

Tonight it was a win for Sofia's team.

Wednesday Night Lacrosse

 Apr 20,

This evening Bella's team lost 17-1 but it is Ok. They are still new to the game and I am always happy to be there for them.

Pretty Flower

 Apr 20,

Today I took to the office some support for my plant and got it all pretty and ready to go.

Tuesday Night Lacrosse

 Apr 19,

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter 2022

 Apr 17,

Today there were no fancy outfits, no fancy meals, no fancy plans. Just a quiet Sunday doing family things. The weather warmed up in the afternoon and Bella and I brought back our old backyard tennis game while Lionel worked on cleaning the patio. We also played a little bit of lacrosse, and Sofia joined us for a few minutes.

New Running Shoes

 Apr 16,

I was going to buy myself new running shoes at the beginning of January but then I got sick, and then I fell, and then I didn't run for about 2 full months. But today I finally got my brand new pair. Looking forward to many runs ahead.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Creamy Whip

 Apr 15,

This afternoon was our first Creamy Whip visit of the season. It was crazy packed, so we waited in line for a while, but the girls never asked to just give up and leave. A tradition is a tradition, so they were committed. 

Finally a tie

 Apr 13,

Bella's lacrosse team is not very good since most of the girls are new to the sport, so they have been losing all their games - by a lot. But tonight, for the very first time, their ended with a tie. The girls were very excited, and so were all the parents in the stands - including us. It must have felt great to finally have a chance to win a game, and hopefully that will give them motivation to keep practicing and getting better.

Happy 17th Birthday!

 Apr 13,

And just like that, Sofia is now 17. Since her birthday is in the middle of the week, and the girls had practice and a game, it was hard to find the time to cut cake. But we found a small window of opportunity and made it happen in the afternoon.

Two goals

 Apr 12,

Tonight was a good game for Sofia. She played a good amount of minutes and she scored not one, but two goals! She was very happy, and we were very happy for her. They also won the game.

Monday night lacrosse

Apr 11, 

Spring Trees

 Apr 10,

I love the trees in the spring. It never gets old enjoying them during our walks with the dogs.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Prom 2022

 Apr 9,

Tonight Sofia went to prom with several friends. This boy named Oliver asked her to go with him and she said yes, but they really went as a group. I don't think Sofia would have felt comfortable otherwise, and it was definitely better for us as well. Sofia has yet to share the pictures they took all together at Eden Park before the dance, so for now all we have is the picture I took when he came to pick her up. I guess he plays piano too, so he made her a piano-themed sign when he asked her to go with him.

Sofia was not always sure she wanted to go to the dance, as crowded and noisy places are not particularly her thing, but we knew she was curious about the whole experience of going with a big group, so we are happy that she went. 

Freezing Sofia Lacrosse Game

 Apr 9,

This afternoon Sofia's team had a lacrosse game against St Ursula and it was extremely cold. The wind was brutal. I was wearing my red jacket, which is by far my biggest, thickest one, and I was still cold. At least it was a good game and, after 2 over times, they finally won by 1 goal.

Twilight Ball School Dance

Apr 8,

Tonight there was a dance at school and Bella went with her current BFF Kaitlin, and some new friends. They had a lot of fun getting ready together and in the actual dance. 

Thursday night Sofia lacrosse

 Apr 7,