Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Baby Squirrel

 Aug 28,

This afternoon, when I came back from walking the dogs, we found a baby squirrel in front of the house. I knew it was hurt because when Zoey got close to it it did not move. I gave it an almond, and some water in a small lid, but it didn't seem to help much. I watched it for a bit until it curled up in a ball and feel asleep. I actually wasn't sure if it was falling asleep or dying, which made me sad. When we came back out it wasn't there anymore, but Lionel said it just moved towards the ivy. Poor thing. I don't know what else to do for it.


 Aug 28,

Morning walk with the dogs, lunch with Abuelito, quick stop at the mall to exchange something, quick stop by Coffee Emporium, afternoon nap, and extended time just chilling at home. 

FC Game

 Aug 27,

Lionel usually goes to the FC games with Bella - it is their thing - but today Bella had a birthday party so I went with him. It was an important game as they played against Columbus, which I guess is a big rivalry. The refs made some really bad calls and the game end up in a tie, which Lionel was really unhappy about. 

1st Soccer Game

 Aug 27,

Today was Bella's first soccer game of the season. They played against Mariemont and lost 5-0.  Abuelito came to see her and papi and I were there for her too. I don't know that she was super sad, because many of them are new anyway and they are not a super strong team just yet, but it is good to have family support anyway.

24th Anniversary

 Aug 26,

Today is my 24th anniversary in Cincinnati. I always remember. 24 years ago since I arrived with my 2 suitcases in tow. I would have lost that bet. I would have never guessed I would be here for so long.

Soccer Practice

 Aug 22,

Sunday, August 21, 2022

21st Wedding Anniversary

 Aug 18,

Besides being the first day of school, today was our 21st wedding anniversary. To celebrate we went out for dinner to J Alexanders, all four of us. We didn't remember to take any photos though.

First Day of School 2022

 Aug 18,

Traditions are traditions, so no matter how old you get the first day of school pictures are a must.

Mami-Papi Time

 Aug 17,

Today was Mami-Papi time. We were supposed to go to the tennis tournament, but the tickets were crazy expensive so we decided not to go. Instead we just went out for lunch and in the afternoon we went to buy some more school supplies.

Mami-Sofia Time

 Aug 16,

Sofia dragged her feet committing to spend time with me, but at the end she agreed to have lunch at Trio. After lunch she decided she wanted to look for jeans, so we ended up at the mall once again. Lucky me, I got to spend more time with her.

Mami-Bella Time

 Aug 15,

As I have been doing the last few years, this year once again I took the last days before school to get ready and hang out with the girls. Today it was Mami-Bella time. We had lunch at Nordstrom Cafe, we walked around the mall, and stopped by Coffee Emporium.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Last week of summer vacation

 Aug 14,

This week there was lots happening and nothing happening at once. We worked, we ate ice cream, Bella went to soccer practice, we sat on the front yard after work, I ran and stretched with Kika, we cooked, we cleaned, and we played the waiting game. It was the last full week of vacation as the girls go back to school on Thursday. I am taking Monday-Wednesday off to get ready for it. Mentally and whatever else is needed.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The week

 Aug 7,

This was an intense week at work, with multiple changes and multiple moving parts. But on the home front we finally hit a milestone as Sofia passed her driving test. No photo because I didn't take her - Lionel did. Bella also got good news as they had the Walnut Soccer Tryouts earlier this week and last night learned that she made the team. 

Now we have about a week and a half before the school year starts all over again. And hopefully this coming week things also settle at work so we can move on.