Monday, January 9, 2023

New frame

 Jan 8,

At the end of 2022 I finally got around framing the embroidered fabric I got in Mexico during the summer of 2021. And today I finally got to hang it above the mantel. Lionel doesn't love it, but that is the safest place for it before we move. Plus I do love it, and I will get to look at it every day. Hopefully once we move the new house will still have room for my own office, and if Lionel still doesn't like it I can hang it there with me. 

Festival of Lights

 Jan 1,

Since we didn't get around going to the Festival of Lights before the new year, we went this evening. My dad did not come with us (walking around while being surrounded by a million people is not his thing) but we took some photos together when we went to pick up my mom. The weather was not as warm as the previous days, but it was still not too bad. And even if it got gotten cold that would not have stopped me. I love going to see the lights. 

My non-human loves

 Jan 1,

I started the year by going for a run, and on my way back the girls gave me some New Year love. New year, same loving dogs. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Rosca de Reyes 2023

 Jan 6,

Rosca continues to be an important tradition for me, so I made sure we had Rosca again this year. I am going to need to find a place in Boston once we move. We also continued our Dia de Reyes tradition, with some candy and gift cards for the girls. 

New Year’s Eve

 Dec 31,

For New Year's Eve we went downtown to have dinner at Prime. I think it was our first time going out for new year's eve in a very long time. After that the girls went to a party - different parties - and the rest of us stayed home. But Lionel and I did stay up until midnight, and we ate our 12 grapes. 

Running Goal Achieved

Dec 31,

At the end of the year my total number of miles was 513.4. Goal achieved! 500 miles for the year and a little bit more. 

Ghost of Christmas Past

 Dec 30,

While de-cluttering I found this old photo. It was from 2002 or 2003, so essentially from 20 years ago. That was Rusty, our very first dog.


 Dec 25,

We spent a good amount of time during the break de-cluttering, ahead of putting the house on sale in the spring. There were a few special things that we kept, but we tried not to keep too much. For things that were still good we packaged them the best we could so we could give them away. That was a ton of effort, and not a fun process, but at least some of the rooms are ready to go. 

Christmas Morning

Dec 25,

In keeping the tradition, the girls got their Santa gifts on Christmas morning. I think at this point Sofia is just happy to profit from it, but Bella still gets excited about it. 

The weather was still freezing, so it was a good morning to stay inside all cozy.

Nochebuena 2022

 Dec 24,

This year we had a reduced group but we kept the tradition. Gabi and her family went to India, Monique and Philippe got their flight canceled, and my Dad no longer does family gatherings after Covid. But the rest of us got together for dinner, games, and regalos!