Saturday, September 23, 2023

Back on the road

Sep 23,

Tonight I am back “on the road” for work. Heading to the UK and Germany for 1 week to see 3 of our plants and the team. It should be a an equally great and exhausting week.

The finger

Sep 23,

This Wednesday my right index finger decided to get swollen for some unknown reason. That made for a very interesting (and unproductive) Thursday as I was dealing with it, and getting an x-ray to confirm it was not broken. It has been painful, and annoying, and inconvenient. And I was worried that would prevent me from traveling, but I think the medicine they gave me is starting to kick in. Let’s hope for a good trip.

Isabel’s family

Sep 23,

Isabel got engaged, so her family went to Boulder this weekend and they sent us a couple of pictures with my Sofia. She looked all happy and we are happy they included her. 

Fenway Park

Sep 21, 

Today I went to the famous Fenway Park for the first time. My new neighbor invited me to go for a fundraiser, and I jumped at the opportunity to go, do something different, and meet a few new people. I am glad I went. I had a good time. 

Wednesday game

Sep 20,

Today’s game was in Brookline. Took me a while to get to that part of town, and finding the field itself was tricky, but I made it there eventually.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

3 months

Sep 17,

Today is exactly 3 months since we made the long drive to move from Cincinnati to Boston. By now the house is fully setup, and we are starting to get into a routine, but the most important part will take more time than that - making friends and feeling like we truly belong around here.

10 miles

Sep 17,

Today I completed my 10 mile run on the way to the Queen Bee Half in a few weeks. The weather was perfect for running - cooler, dry, and sunny, but I still could not pick up the pace. It was a slow one. I have two more half marathons to get to a good round number of 20, but I think after that I will be hanging up my long distance shoes.

New shelves

Sep 16,

While I was in Cincinnati the new shelves from Crate and Barrel got delivered, and today Bella and I spent the afternoon setting them up. They are smaller than the ones we had in Cincinnati, and not all the stuff fit, so we focused on the photos and other stuff that has more of a personal connection. The rest is going to donations. We also bought a rug, and with that we believe the house is finally fully setup.

Loyal Dog

Sep 16,

Kika playing her role of royal guard dog.

Friday Game

Sep 15,

I came back from Cincinnati on Friday morning and Bella had a game on Friday afternoon. The temperature had dropped and the wind was cold, so it was definitely a little chili. I am going to have so much fun once the weather turns for good.

Cincinnati Work Trip

Sep 15,

This week I went back to Cincinnati for work. Sunday was my travel day and it was awful with long delays, but at least I eventually made it in - some didn't. Monday morning was rainy, but then it dried up and it was sunny and warm. Since I could not see my parents on Sunday, I left work at around 1pm on Monday to go see them. And I gave them their goodies from the University of Colorado. I then saw my friend Molly before having dinner with my friend Carissa and her husband. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were full days, and a total blur on one hand. But on the other hand they were tough and emotional. There were definitely some tears before I left on Friday morning to take my flight back to Boston. Being back in Cincinnati was nice, because obviously everything was so familiar, but at the same time it was tough being back and knowing that is no longer "home". Maybe it was too early to go back. Maybe it will continue to feel like that. 

Facebook memory

Sep 10,

Today my sister sent me this Facebook memory from 12 years ago. I almost teared up looking at the sweet faces of my girls. I can't believe this was that long ago.

9.5 mile run

Sep 10,

It was hot and muggy, and I keep getting slower by the day, but I finished my 9.5 mile run this morning.

First Colorado game

Sep 9,

Today Sofia went to her very first University of Colorado Football game. She had no idea what was going on, since she doesn't really know the rules, but she had fun.


Sep 9,

Two of my girls.

Second Tigers Game

Sep 9,

Today was Bella's second game and this time around they won. So she was in a better mood and did pose for a picture. She is also happy that her coach selected her as co-captain of her team. Although, as I explained to her, that does not mean that you get to boss people around. That means you get to help them get better and to be a good example for the team. 


Sep 9,

Since we moved here, about 3 months ago, we have tried a lot of coffee shops and bakeries. So far, I think Tatte is still the best. At least I think they definitely have the best Chai.

First Tigers Game

Sep 6,

Today was Bella's first game with her new soccer team, the Newton North Tigers. It was so hot and muggy outside that I was sweating just standing there - which usually doesn't happen - and it was hard to breathe. They also lost by al lot, so Bella was not in the mood to pose for pictures, but I still got a couple of candid ones. 

First day of school

Sep 5,

Bella's first day of school at Newton North High School finally arrived today and she was ready for it. I worked from home so that I could take her to school and be home when she was back. I didn't want to miss out on being part of the first day in what hopefully will turn out to be a great next phase - once she gets settled and finds her group. My best wishes and big hopes for that. 

Monday, September 4, 2023

First day of school sign

Sep 4,

Following the tradition, today Bella and I worked on her first day of school sign. Tomorrow is her first day of High School, and her very first day of school in Boston. She is really looking forward to going to school and meeting other kids, so fingers crossed for a successful and friendly first day at Newton North High School. 

Weekend Run

Sep 5,

8.5 miles during a hot and muggy morning. Getting the run done but also stopping to appreciate the flowers. Today I reached the 400 mile mark, most definitely ahead of schedule to reach my goal of 500 miles for the year. 

Just out and about

Sep 2,

Just out and about, running errands in Sofia's car.