Saturday, January 20, 2024

Newport RI

Jan 20,

Today Cheryl and I finally made it to Newport for a day trip. Bella did not want to go and decided to stay home with Lionel. It was a really cold day, but we  were ready for it and still enjoyed our visit. Besides, after being sick all week, it was actually nice to get some fresh air.

We first had lunch at a place called Bar'Cino, and then went to The Breakers. We then went to a couple of shops, got ourselves a chai and a coffee, and drove back home. It was the perfect length of time to be out of the house but not come back too tired. 

Morning walk

Jan 20,

This morning the girls and I went on a 2 mile walk. It was cold, but I was bundled up and they did not seem to mind. I thought it was going to be a quick walk, but they kept going. I think they were a bit cold at the end but we back home and they warmed up again.

The week from hell

Jan 19,

This was the week from hell and we are happy it is over. First Bella got sick, then we had a major issue at work that had me working Sunday evening and all day Monday (MLK Holiday), and then we both tested positive for Covid. I spent a full two days in bed feeling terrible, and we were both stuck at home all week, recovering. Luckily by Thursday I felt and looked human again, even though I was still sick, and Lionel stayed healthy the entire time and took good care of us. And of course, Kika and Zoey were still happy to see us even in our worst days.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Nahant MA

Jan 14,

This afternoon Cheryl and I drove to Nahant, a town about 40 minutes from home, to check it out. Bella has a cold, so she stayed home. It is definitely cute, and they have some amazing views, but they have absolutely zero parking for visitors. Lots of "No parking on either side" signs and not even a small parking lot in sight. So we just drove around, illegally parked for a couple of minutes to take a photo, and drove back. On our way back we stopped by a Starbucks and the girl working there told us we both looked like we could be models, because of our looks and our overall vibe. She must not go out often, but we still enjoyed the compliment.

Bye for now

Jan 14,

Early this morning my Sofia left to head back to college. I drove her to the airport. She did not say much during the drive so I was not sure if she was just tired, since it was so early, or also a little sad. Maybe it was both. We are going to miss having her home but we know she is right where she is supposed to be. And we will see her in a month when we go skiing in Vail. Can’t wait to see her again.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Hanging out - The last one for now

Jan 12,

This Sunday Sofia goes back to college and she said Saturday was going to be her packing day (and therefore she did not want to make any plans), so today was our last day to hang out. I took the afternoon off and took her to Terra, a nice restaurant in Boylston street. We then walked around and did some shopping before heading back. To round up our afternoon we also stopped by Tatte and got an iced chai and a pastry.

We are going to miss having her here, but she looks ready to get back to school and we hope she will have a great second semester.


Jan 11,

Sofia got on the ground to hug Zoey, and take a photo with her, and of course Kika found the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

Work Gym

Jan 10,

I really need to move more during the day and this week I managed to squeeze in a 15 minute walk right after lunch, before going back to my desk. The gym is on the first floor, so its easy to get to it. And people use it in the morning and the evening, so at lunch time I had it all to myself. 

Welcome to Boston!

Jan 9,

This week is my friend Cheryl's first official week in Boston. While she has been here a few times before, traveling, this is now officially home. I wanted to make sure she felt welcome, so I decorated her desk, brought cupcakes, and passed around a welcome card. 

She bought an apartment but is not ready yet (it is new construction), so she will be staying with us for a few weeks until the end of February. In the meantime she already sold her condo in Cincinnati, and her stuff is in storage. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

First Snow

Jan 7,

Today we got the first snow of the season. They were forecasting about 12 inches. I don't think we got that much, at least where we live, but it was still snowy and cold. So today we did not go too far from home. We went to have lunch at the neighbors' house, and other than that occupied ourselves at home taking the Christmas decorations down, doing laundry, and getting ready for the week. This week is back to normal at work and I am sure it wont be easy.


Jan 6,

Another year, another rosca to keep the tradition. I still do not know where to get rosca around here, but one of my new friends from work, who is also from Mexico, got me one when he went to get his. That was super nice, and I owe him one.

Indoor Track Meet

Jan 6,

Today Bella had an indoor track meet. It was originally scheduled for tomorrow, but got moved to this evening because of the snow coming tomorrow. They ended up in 4th place in their heat and she was happy. It was also her first medal in this sport.

Dia de reyes 2024

Jan 6,

Yesterday afternoon Sofia and I were at the mall and she saw this one Lego that she really wanted. So I contributed 50% of the cost as her Dia de Reyes gift. I also already had a goody bag for each one of them that they opened this morning.