Sunday, February 25, 2024

The weekend

Feb 25,

We came back from Vail and straight to work and school the next day. While we quickly unpacked, all the laundry and putting stuff away was left for the weekend. So this weekend there was plenty of laundry and catching up to do. Lionel also came back with a cold, so he had less energy than usual. Bella and I were also tired, but we don't like staying home all day. And the weekends are the only times we can go explore the city. So on Saturday we went to check out a pasta place, and went to Lincoln Tavern for lunch - her choice. I worked out both days, and on Sunday morning I took the girls for a bit of a longer walk.  Then, in the afternoon, we went out for lunch and got Cheryl, who was coming back from her vacation. And that was that. Then it was time to buy food for the week, make dinner, clean, walk the girls again, and get ready for the week.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Vail - Day 7 - Heading back

Feb 21,

Today we thanked Vail for having us once again and headed back to Boston. Sad to no longer be in the same state as my Sofia, but happy to see her again next month.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Vail - Day 6 - And then there were four

Feb 20,

Today was our last day of skiing. Since Sofia had left already, and Claire left early in the morning, there were just 4 of us left for skiing. Bella started the day very sad because Claire had left,  but managed to be in an okay mood for most of the day ... until dinner time. At dinner she started to get really stressed out about going back to Boston, and it if was up to her she would fly back to Cincinnati, but unfortunately that is not going to happen.

Tonight we are packing, and tomorrow we leave the rental apartment at 7:30 am so we don't risk being late for our 11:50 flight back "home". At least hopefully Bella will be happy to see Kika and Zoey, and to sleep in her own bed. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

Vail - Day 5 - Great weather

Feb 19,

Today we had great, sunny weather. We were afraid we were going to be hot, but it was actually comfortable. We did a bunch of groomed runs, which were easier than the powder of the first couple of days, and stopped for lunch and to take photos now and then. It was also Claire’s last day skiing with us, as she is heading back home a day earlier, so Bella was not in the best mood as we started skiing. But she got over it and managed to enjoy the day.

All was pretty smooth up until the end of the day when a snowboarder who was either not paying attention, going fast, or both, took me down. But luckily I was ok.

After skiing Lionel and I took our traditional photo with Einstein and went to a local coffee shop. At 40 degrees it felt warm so we actually sat outside for a few minutes, enjoying our drinks, before we went back to the apartment. Bella and Claire had ditched us already to walk around and go shopping in the little town by themselves. They came back a bit later and we all relaxed for a bit before it was time to head out for dinner.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Vail - Day 4 - Sofia heading back

Feb 18,

Today I did not go skiing in favor of staying back and spending a few more moments with my Sofia. But the morning went by too quickly. We went to brunch together and after that she had to take the shuttle back to Denver. I walked her to the Vail transportation center and helped her carry all her stuff. It was sad to see her go. 

After Sofia left I took a walk, to get distracted and because I needed the movement. It was 30 degrees but it felt "warm", given how cold it got last night. I even opened my jacket and took my gloves off. I then came back to the apartment, wasted time on my phone, and took a nap. In fact, I kind of wasted the rest of the afternoon until it was time for dinner. It is rare for me to have days like these, but I guess I needed it.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Vail - Day 3 - The Full Family

Feb 17,

Today was a sunny day, so we were able to go to the back bowls and all over the place. The powder snow is beautiful, but it is harder to ski on it. So once again the mountain kicked my butt. I had to work hard at it. I hung in there all day, but my legs were exhausted once again. The views are gorgeous though - the reason why I love this place.

After skiing Sofia and I walked around for a bit, looking for a new Vail sweater for her. She still has her old one, but it is already too small for her. We then went back to the rental apartment, rested for only a little bit, took showers, and went back out for dinner. After dinner it got really cold, so we powered walked back to our place.

Sofia has to go back to school tomorrow, since she has classes on Monday, and her shuttle leaves at 1:30pm. So I am not going to ski tomorrow in favor of spending time with her before she has to leave.