Sunday, June 23, 2024

Newport, RI

Jun 23,

This afternoon Sofifi and I finally made it to Newport together. Since she loves history, I have been wanting for her to see The Breakers. The weather was a bit cloudy but warm. I was going to drive, but she said she wanted to drive instead. 

When we got to Newport we first went to the Ocean drive, mainly because we missed the house, and got out of the car to take a coupe of photos. At The Breakers she went through it a bit faster than I would have hoped for to feel that I got my money's worth, but she said she liked it. And I still think that the balcony, and the grounds, are impressive and the best part of the house. 

After The Breakers we had a quick bite to eat, walked around for a few minutes, and headed back.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Jun 22,

After a full year here it finally feels like we are staying, at least for a while, so I finally filled the aquarium again. I got it ready this morning, and this afternoon the girls and I went to the pet store to get 4 tropical fish. May this be another step towards things feeling normal and more settled.

Celtics Parade

Jun 21,

Today Cheryl, our co-worker Pete and his daughter, and I went to the Celtics Parade to celebrate their 18th championship. Not something I would normally sign up for, but Cheryl wanted to go and I thought "why not?". We were gone for about 3 hours and had a very Boston sort of day. I took the T (the subway) for the very first time ever, we had a drink from Dunkin' Donuts, and during our walk back to the office we decided to splurge and get ourselves a lobster roll for lunch.

It was hot but bearable, and even though it was sunny we were in the shade while we waited for and during the parade. And I enjoyed during something different and experiencing more of the city.

Newburyport and Inside Out

Jun 19,

After getting a good workout in the morning, this afternoon Cheryl and I made a flash trip to Newburyport, about 1.5 hours away from Boston. We didn't have that much time, but wanted to check it out. It was very hot, so I took this big hat with me that I have had forever but have only used a handful of times. 

After we came back, we got Bella and went to see Inside Out 2. Sofia had a friend from Cincinnati in town, so they were doing their own thing. I think the first movie was better, but the second one was cute too.

Tennis Club

Jun 18,

I recently discovered that there is also a Gillette Tennis Club, and today I managed to join them. It was really really hot, I got there really late, I forgot to bring a towel to wipe my face, and my face burned a little even though I put sunscreen on and only played for like 30 minutes. But I am glad I showed up. After not playing in a very long time I did relatively well. And I got to thinking that, although I usually don't think about myself as as athletic person, I may actually be one of them. After all I do run, and I can play pickle ball, and I can play tennis as well. So maybe I need to give myself a lot more credit. 

My girl

Jun 17,

I love this dog so much, and I am so thankful she was here to help us through Zoey passing away. I truly don't know how I would have managed without her.

Monday, June 17, 2024

One year in Boston

Jun 17,

Today is exactly one year since we left Cincinnati and moved to Boston. And one year into it, I still have no idea whether in the long run this will be a great family adventure, and potentially our long term home, or if it will turn out that all the discomfort, pain, and suffering this move has brought the girls will be for a whole lot of nothing. Only time will tell. For now, we keep giving a shot. And we keep moving forward.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father’s Day. 2024

Jun 16,

We had a chill father's day, with 2 home cooked meals. Chilaquiles for lunch, and dinner with grandma and grandpa. The weather was sunny and beautiful, perfect for Lionel's soccer game and my morning run. And it stayed sunny and nice the entire day. I wish we had many more days like this. 


Jun 14,

This week my team from around the world was in town for a face to face meeting. We worked very hard the whole week, but we still found some time to play and bond as a team. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Touristy Sunday

Jun 9,

Today Cheryl, Andrea (who is here for the week from Poland) and I did some touristy things around town. We had lunch at Lincoln Tavern, did the Freedom Trail - which none of us had done before - and went the Wonder museum. The weather was rainy at the start of the tour, but luckily the rain stopped and the sun even came out.

Game night!

Jun 8,

Tonight we had a few of my coworkers come over for game night. We had lovely weather, and we had the patio ready in case people wanted to hang out outside, but we ended up staying inside. We ate pizza and salad, and played a trivia game I bought on Amazon. Bella invited her friend Isa to come over, and they hung out with us as well. It was so nice for her to have a friend with her.