Sunday, March 27, 2011

Old Trick

Today I used an old trick, one I have used many times before but had forgotten in the last few months. Lionel took Sofia to her swim lesson, while Bella and I stayed home. Even though it was way past her nap time she was very much awake and refusing to go down. She asked to go outside, so we both bundled up and I took her to the swings in the backyard. For a few minutes I moved her from one swing to the next, but she was crabby and did not really want anything. I then asked her if she wanted to go for a walk. She did not say yes or no. We went back into the house, put mittens on her little hands, and went to the garage for the big stroller. She was not quite convinced, but she still sat down. We almost made it all the way down the hill when she started to fuss. I asked if she wanted to go back home, but again she did not say yes or no. I did not want to be too far from the house in the event she had a meltdown, so I turned around. We were almost at the top of the hill when I saw her head starting to tilt to the side, and even though she was still fighting it, her eyes were also starting to close. " Got you!", I thought. She fought it a little longer, but she eventually fell asleep. We walked through the neighborhood for a full hour, and even thought it was really cold it was also a sunny day, so it was a nice, relaxing, and peaceful walk.

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