Friday, February 15, 2013

Vail - Day 1

Last night I was way too tired to write about the day, but overall it was a good one. Even though Bella kept repeating how she did NOT want to go to ski school, she ended up going and staying without whining. I am pretty sure that the fact that I stayed outside and had Lionel drop her off, had a lot to do with that. Of course it looks like she didn't make much progress as is still not learning to stop, but given how the day went I think it is safe to say that she is going back today.

Sofia did well. She started at level 2, and is going to level 3 today. As for me? I managed to survive the day even though it was very cold, it was snowing - which meant the snow kept crashing in my face - and Lionel took me to an "easy" black diamond because according to him I could do it, and just needed to trust myself. I did fall a handful of times, maybe 3 or 4, but didn't hurt myself. In fact, it was nice to lay in the snow for a few seconds. It was like a mini break.

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