Sunday, May 5, 2013

Half Pig Marathon 2013

Today, after a full 3 months of intensive training, Gabi and I finally got to run our very first half marathon. I felt ready, nervous, and excited, and I did better than I thought I would. I finished at 2 hours, 16 minutes, and 12 seconds, a full 14 minutes faster than my goal. Gabi finished just 4 minutes after me. We were very lucky that it didn't start raining until literally 5 minutes after we finished, especially considering that it has been raining all day.  

Lionel, Raj and the kids came to see us at the half way point and at the end, and it was nice to see them there. Also, the people watching the race had funny signs, and from all the ones I saw my favorite ones were "Run, random stranger, run!" and "Chuck Norris never ran a marathon".  I think that trying to read as many of them really took my mind off the hills, and the couple blisters that - I realized at the end of the race - were forming on my feet. But blisters or not, I had fun and felt really strong.

In the afternoon, after I had taken a shower and somewhat recovered, I finally put in my car the sticker I was so looking forward to deserving.

Picking up my stuff up for the marathon
Bella didn't want to hold my hand, but somehow this was Ok for her
Yes, it is possible

We started the day while it was still dark outside
We started the race with the sunrise
At the finish line!
At the finish line!

Yes, it WAS possible

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