Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013

This year, more than any other year, Halloween really managed to sneak up on me. So I didn't spend any time decorating the front of the house, nor thinking how the girls would dress up for it. Luckily they were not particularly concerned about their costumes, so they were happy to choose from the ones I had in the basement, which I had bought at Target last year. They quickly chose matching "green fairy" outfits, which worked really well with white leggings and a white long sleeve shirt underneath.

The weather forecast called for rain, and even though some surrounding neighborhoods decided to postpone trick or treating by one day, our neighborhood went ahead with it right on Halloween. The evening was indeed a rainy one, but luckily it stopped raining for the bulk of the time the girls were out running around with Lionel. They did get a little wet towards the very end, but by then they were pretty close to the house. And being kids and all, they really didn't seem to mind.

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