Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Feliz Cumple Abuelito!

Today was my Dad's 64th Birthday, and even though it was in the middle of the week, we got together for our traditional cake cutting ... Because it is a family tradition not to be missed!


Today is another unusually warm day of fall, so this morning - on my way to work - I saw multiple people running. I was happy for them, but also a bit jealous.

Sunday, October 26, 2014



Yesterday morning, before my run, my running app said that I was already at 26.1 miles for the month of October, just .01 short of a full marathon.

All about the parks

Since the weather has been so beautiful, but we all know at this point that is not going to last, we have been enjoying the parks as much as we can. On Friday afternoon, after piano class, we stopped by Beech Acres. And yesterday afternoon we went to Juilfs park, which is Bella's favorite. At some point I peeled the girls away from the playground to take a walk around the park, which didn't make them very happy to start with. But we then started collecting red, orange, and yellow leaves, which got them really interested.

Burger farm field trip

This past Friday was once again a beautiful day of fall, with plenty of sunshine and almost warm. That was a good thing because Bella's classroom had a field trip to Burger's farm, and I had volunteered to be a chaperone. It is always such a treat to be able to break away from work and do things like this.

Gymastics cat

In the spirit of Halloween, the girl's gymnastics place has a giant inflatable black cat, which the girls really got a kick out of.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Beauty and the Beast

This afternoon the girls, my mom, and I went to the Children's theatre to see Beauty and the Beast. Luckily this one was much better than Pinkalicious. The girls liked it, and my mom and I didn't feel like falling asleep. It was a win-win.

Sands Carnival 2014

This afternoon was Sand's carnival, and even though it was cold - a big departure from yesterday's perfect weather - the girls still had fun. Lionel went with them first, while I was at tennis class, and then I was the relay. Sofia mainly hung out with her friend Meghan, but Bella stayed with me.


Last week I got my haircut, and I cut my hair a lot shorter than I've had it in a very long time. So Bella decided that when I took them for their haircuts earlier today, she was going to cut it just like me. I asked her a number of times if she was sure - mainly because it made me sad to cut her beautiful long hair - but repeatedly she said yes. When we got there I asked her one last time, but the answer didn't change. She had made up her mind, and she wanted to cut her hair just like mami.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Open house

Tonight, when I was uploading the pictures from my birthday, I realized I had 3 pictures from this year's open house at Sands that I never posted. So about one month late, but here they are.


These are the cards the girls made for me for my birthday. Sweetness. Pure sweetness.

My birthday!!

Today was my birthday, and the best day I've had since I went back to work. There was nothing exotic about it. What made it so great was lots of sunshine after a rainy week, and a series of "little things": Walk to school, time at the girl's school for Grandparents and Special Friends day, lunch date with Lionel, taking it easy at work, and cake cutting and dinner with the family. I was happy, happy, happy. It was definitely a great day!