Sunday, April 17, 2016

Get together

Today we had an impromptu get together with our friends who just moved to our side of town, and our friend Kate who is visiting for just a couple of days. Unfortunately that means I didn't have time to complete all my usual weekend chores, but we had a good time. I must have broken some Sunday record by actually sitting down, and doing nothing other than talking, for the better part of 3 hours.

Tulips 2016

After my run Lionel had a soccer match, so the girls and I headed to the zoo by ourselves. Last year I was super bummed that we went too late, when most of the tulips were dead, and I didn't want that to happen again. It was a beautiful day to be at the zoo, and he tulips were at their peak. I could have taken a million pictures, but settled for only a few.

Morning run

This morning I went on a 9 mile run. I intended to do 7, but I had time to do 9, the weather was beautiful, and I felt guilty only running 7 since it was mostly a flat run. I had a strong pace, but I didn't feel that strong for the first 4 miles since my left leg felt like at any moment it could cramp. It hung in there though, and I felt better the second part of the run. One more week of training, and it is time for this year's flying pig marathon!

FC Cincinnati

Apr 17,

Last night we went to the FC Cincinnati Soccer Game. I don't normally care to go to those, since I am not a big soccer fan, but the family wanted to go and the weather was nice. 
Sadly our team lost, but with the nice weather I didn't mind sitting there. Apparently we were also part of an attendance record, which should be good for Cincinnati and the team.

Sofia's Birthday Party

This year Sofia still wanted a birthday party with her friends, so that is exactly what we did. They did tie dye shirts as their organized activity, but other than that they just ran around inside and out. The screaming was kind of intense, as they are naturally loud, but Lionel and I survived and Sofia had a great time. 

2016 Super Run

Apr 16,

This morning we participated in our very first Super Run as a family. The run was in Ault Park and turned out to be more like a group hike than a group run, as there just wasn't space to run for most of the course. But I enjoyed it all the same as the weather and the scenery were beautiful. In fact, we learned something knew as Lionel and I didn't even realize those trails were back there. Bella did her fair share of whining as she said she was tired, and the hills were too difficult, but she cheered up once she saw the finish line and collected her medal. Then it was all good all over again.

Sofia's 11th Birthday!

Apr 13,

It is hard to believe, but today my sweet Sofia turned 11. Yes, eleven years old! I hung a Happy Birthday balloon outside her room so she saw it first thing in the morning when she got up. Then, in the evening, we celebrated with our traditional family cake cutting and then went out for dinner at J Alexander's - her choice. She also got lucky, as it was a beautiful day of spring. She was excited about her birthday, so I worked hard at making it a special day.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mami-Fifi Day

Yesterday was mami-fifi day, the first of our celebrations for Sofia's upcoming birthday. She asked for a mami-fifi day as one of her gifts, and was literally counting down the days in the last couple of weeks. She had it all planned out. After my 12 mile run I came home, took a shower, got ready, and we then headed back out. 

Our first stop was Michaels in Hyde Park to look at the crafts. We then went to Joseph Beth Booksellers, because she wanted to buy a book with her own money, and wanted me to buy her and Bella a mini American Girl Doll. By then we were starving, and drove to Kenwood to have lunch at the Nordstrom Cafe. Also her choice. Lunch was good, but not too long as she was eager to go to the stores and shop. 

After lunch it felt like we visited most of the stores. The lego store, Claire's and Justice were a must. But we also hit the Hallmark store, Pottery Barn, GAP, and several others. We also shared some cinnamon pretzel bites. After running 12 miles in the morning my feel were killing me, but I didn't want to rush her or complain in front of her. Luckily at Justice I finally had a chance to sit down for a few minutes in the one and only bench they had while Sofia tried some clothes on. It had been years since I last spent so much time at the mall. From a walking standpoint it was definitely hard work.

When Sofia finally said she was tired we headed back to the car. But first, we made one last stop at the Macaroon Bar. On our way back we still stopped by Trader Joe's to get some food for the week, but when we got home we went straight to the couch and asked Lionel to please help us get everything out of the car. We were completely wiped out!

Made for sunny days

Yesterday I saw this at a store and thought it couldn't have been more perfect for me!

12 miles!

Yesterday was the peak of my training for this year's Flying Pig Marathon, with a 12 mile morning run. Instead of just running together as a group, as we do every Saturday, we joined an event sponsored by one of the running stores and several local businesses, including P&G. The event is called 20/12, as those who are running the whole marathon had to run 20 miles this weekend, and those that are running the half had to run 12. The event consisted of well marked 20 and 12 mile routes, water along the way, and a food and some activities at the end. 

When I woke up I seriously considered not going, as I could hear the wind blowing and I knew it would be cold. But I got up and went to meet the other girls I was carpooling with.  The weather was miserable. It was cold, and windy, and we even had flurries coming down on us. If I had been there by myself, maybe I would have just turned around. The run was tough, as there were some steep and some long hills, and I really struggled after mile 8. I took a couple of quick walking breaks, and by 10.5 miles I was seriously considering to just walk the rest of the way. But then I felt somebody patting my back and telling me "You can do it. Keep going". When I turned around I saw it was one of the girls from our running group. I thought she might run by my side the rest of the way, but she stayed back. I couldn't tell if it was because she was also tired, or because she was purposely staying back there to check on me and make sure I made it the rest of the way. Either way, I didn't want to let her and me down. So I pushed for it and ran the rest of the way, including the very last short but steep hill. Physically and mentally it was definitely one of the toughest runs I've had in a while.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Bella sings

This afternoon was the last day of Bella's singing class, which meant that instead of a class they had a little show for the parents. Abuelitos came as well. Bella loved her class, and practiced all her songs a lot, but once on stage she got a little shy. She still sang, but she didn't look like she was having fun. The new session starts next week, and she is doing both Singing and Drama. Practice makes perfect, so hopefully she will get less shy overtime.

Last day of spring break

Apr 1,

Today was the last day of spring break, and I also finished working after lunch so I could hang out with the girls for the rest of the day. We had lunch at First Watch with my parents, went to the bookstore, and made a stop by the local ice cream shop. It was another great, sunny day.

Day at the park

Mar 29,

This week is the girl's spring break.  So after a very hectic morning I took the afternoon off to hang out with them. We had lunch at Panera and then went to a park where we met my friend Marian and her two girls. They had fun playing together for a while, but then they asked to go to Marian's house. She and I were Ok with it, since we hadn't seen each other for a while and were catching up as well. We ended up staying there until almost 6. Of course no matter how long a play date is, for the kids it is never long enough. They still whined when it was time to go home.

Easter 2016 and One Year Anniversary

Mar 27,

Today was Easter and our one year anniversary in our new house. We went to mass, had lunch with the family, and had an egg hunt for the kids in the afternoon. The weather was a bit cold in the morning, but it really warmed up later on.