Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mami-Fifi Day

Yesterday was mami-fifi day, the first of our celebrations for Sofia's upcoming birthday. She asked for a mami-fifi day as one of her gifts, and was literally counting down the days in the last couple of weeks. She had it all planned out. After my 12 mile run I came home, took a shower, got ready, and we then headed back out. 

Our first stop was Michaels in Hyde Park to look at the crafts. We then went to Joseph Beth Booksellers, because she wanted to buy a book with her own money, and wanted me to buy her and Bella a mini American Girl Doll. By then we were starving, and drove to Kenwood to have lunch at the Nordstrom Cafe. Also her choice. Lunch was good, but not too long as she was eager to go to the stores and shop. 

After lunch it felt like we visited most of the stores. The lego store, Claire's and Justice were a must. But we also hit the Hallmark store, Pottery Barn, GAP, and several others. We also shared some cinnamon pretzel bites. After running 12 miles in the morning my feel were killing me, but I didn't want to rush her or complain in front of her. Luckily at Justice I finally had a chance to sit down for a few minutes in the one and only bench they had while Sofia tried some clothes on. It had been years since I last spent so much time at the mall. From a walking standpoint it was definitely hard work.

When Sofia finally said she was tired we headed back to the car. But first, we made one last stop at the Macaroon Bar. On our way back we still stopped by Trader Joe's to get some food for the week, but when we got home we went straight to the couch and asked Lionel to please help us get everything out of the car. We were completely wiped out!

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