Sunday, June 26, 2016

Cousins and the park

Jun 26,

This afternoon my sister and I took Bella and Diego to the park, to play in the water area. It was another steamy summer day, so it was a perfect activity for it. While the kids played, Gabi and I were lucky to sit on a bench, in the shade, where we could clearly see what those two were doing. 


Jun 26,

While Lionel and Sofia were away, Bella got to sleep in our bed and take as much room as she wanted. Doesn't see look comfortable?

Mami Bella Day

Jun 25,

Since Lionel and Sofia were on their trip, today was Mami-Bella day. We went to the Lego store, came back home to put her new Lego together, and then went out for dinner to her favorite restaurant. It was a good day, and we really enjoyed spending the time together. 

The tradition continues

Jun 24,

Sofia was not with us today, but Bella and I kept the tradition and made our Friday afternoon trip to Creamy Whip.


Jun 24,

This morning I took the girls to swim practice because Isabel is only with us from Monday-Thursday. Bella took her kindle with her, but in the sun it is hard to see with all the glare. She was smart though. She brought a blanket to cover her head.

End of soccer camp

Jun 23,

Tonight was Bella's last day of soccer camp. The weather once again was bad, and it looked like the class might get canceled because of rain, but I took her anyway. It was a good thing I did though, because the class was definitely on. She was a little tired on the way there, but got her energy back once she was on the field. I don't know if she will want to keep playing it, but at least it was a good experience and something new to try.

Swim Meet #3

Jun 22,

Today's forecast was once again pretty terrible. The entire day looked like we were going to have a major storm. But surprisingly the weather held, and the swim meet was on. The sun even came out, and despite horrible traffic on the way there the girls got there on time to participate in all their events. Sofia even won her butterfly heat, which made her very proud and happy. 

Bella goes to soccer camp

Jun 20,

Today was Bella's first day at soccer camp. First she asked me if I would take her and I said yes. Then she asked if I would stay the entire time and I said yes as well. But then she changed her mind and ask if I would just drop her off and go somewhere else. So I did. At least for a little while. I came back early to see her practice for a few minutes. I got to see her practice some soccer, but also do cartwheels in the middle of the field.   

Oldie but goodie

Jun 20,

This photo is from when Gabi and I were in college, over a decade ago. I guess that even back then I was determined not to spend any birthdays without cake.


Jun 19,

Since today is Father's Day, and tomorrow is tia Gabi's birthday, today we hosted a few of our friends for a fun party, kids and all. It was really hot outside, so the kids enjoyed playing in the sprinkler while the adults chatted. We also cut cake of course, the special home made cake I only bake for special occasions.

2016 Father's day encore

Jun 19,

Even though we officially celebrated Father's day yesterday with the family, today we also made Lionel a very special breakfast.

Soccer camp

Jun 19,

Tomorrow Bella starts her 4 day soccer camp. She is excited, and she is ready for it. 

Father's day 2016

This year's Father's Day lunch was at Coopers Hawk. But the important part is never where we go. What really matters is that we are together. 


Jun 19,

These Facebook memories are classic. I love both of them. 

Quick but it happened

Jun 17,

Today we were rushing and didn't have much time to get our Friday ice cream at Creamy Whip, but we rushed on our way to Piano and made it happen.

Museum Center

Jun 16,

Today's outing for the girls was to the museum center. I wish I had been able to go with them, but with or without me I am happy that they had a good time.


These signs just went up in our restrooms at work. Sad. Embarrassing. Plain wrong that this is needed.

Swim Meet #2 - A short one

Jun 15,

Tonight's swim meet was a very short one, since the weather was pretty stormy and the meet got canceled after only a few of the swim events. Bella was really disappointed, because she wanted to keep swimming, but we definitely needed to get inside. Once the storm passed the sun came out though, and we ended up with a double rainbow.

Gymnastics Year End Show

Jun 14,

Tonight was Bella's gymnastics year end show. It is a fun night for the kids, because they get to show what they have learned, and it is also fun for us parents to see them running around, happy, right in their element.