Tuesday, January 2, 2018

First day

Jan 1,

Today was a mix of work and play. With it being the last day of break I really wanted to maximize the time, so I set my alarm at 7:30 but ended up waking up on my own at 7:15.

First I got up and ran on the treadmill as I had to start the year on the right note. Then, continuing with my goal to declutter the house, I cleaned the laundry room - the very last room on the first floor that I hadn’t yet cleaned during the break. After that Sofia and I got ready and went to the mall for probably the third time this winter break. I had an appointment to get a new battery for my phone and Sofia decided to tag along for some mami-fifi time, lunch out, and a quick stroll by the stores. And I of course appreciated the good company. Unfortunately the store ran out of batteries due to high demand - sigh - so I will need to go back one more time when they give me a call in the next few days. But we did accomplish the rest.

When we left the mall we also stopped by a couple of stores to buy things for the house, and went to buy food for the week. Back at home I spent the rest of the evening prepping food for the week, and getting mentally ready for back to school and work. It is not fun when a break ends, but it is always less painful when you are prepared.

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