Monday, February 26, 2018


Feb 26,

This morning, as I was doing a quick Linked In check in, I saw that a successful, famous person had written that sometimes the best thing that can happen to you is NOT achieving your goals. The reasoning being that sometimes better doors open up. I hope from the bottom of my heart that he is right. 

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Feb 25,

Today I finally got to see Call me by your name. I really, really wanted to see it at the theater, and I really, really liked it. I didn't want to see it by myself though, so luckily my sister agreed to go with me. It was such a beautiful and sad story at the same time. It is probably one of those movies I will remember for a while.

8 Rainy Miles

Feb 24,

This morning we ran 8 rainy miles. Luckily the rain stopped at times, but our shoes were completely drenched. It is a small miracle that I didn't get any blisters.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Random Notes

Feb 23,

Gabi found these notes in her home office today, courtesy of Bella and Diego and their random thoughts.


Feb 23,

In honor of the Olympic games, Bella and her classmates made their own medals at school today. Hers, of course, was gold.

Give me a T!

Feb 23,

Today, after years and years asking for one, my girls finally got their trampoline! The weather has been terribly rainy, but luckily the rain stopped for long enough to have the trampoline installed and have the girls enjoy it for a little bit after they came back from school. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The substitute student

Feb 20,

Since Sofia deciding to join lacrosse happened quite quickly, we didn't have time to give the French teacher heads up and cancel today's class. So instead of Sofia we sent Bella as the substitute student. We figured we could give it a try. Bella didn't protest, so off she went. And apparently she did really well. According to the teacher she paid attention the entire 45 minutes, and was very engaged.

Lacrosse Day 1

Feb 20,

Our sweet Sofia, who has always avoided any and all contact sports, has decided that she is going to try Lacrosse. And today was her first day of practice. We are surprised for sure, but also supportive. We got her the basic equipment, filled out the sports physical form, and are switching our schedules around to get her to and from practice. We hope she likes it, but even if she doesn’t we are proud of her for being willing to try something new. That doesn’t always come natural to her, so it is a huge step to take. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Smart girl

Feb 19,

Bella brought home this self portrait she made at school. Apparently all the kids got to write an adjective, a positive one, about the others in the classroom. And this is what most kids wrote about her. She was actually annoyed about the fact they said she was smart (I guess she was hoping for fun or funny) so I had to remind her that being smart is really, really good.

My loves

Feb 19,

A Facebook memory from 2 years ago. My loves!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

7 miles

Feb 17,

This morning I ran 7 miles with the running group - and I struggled. The first mile is usually challenging, but then I hit my stride. Today though it took me a full 3 miles to get there. My time ended up being good, so it doesn't necessarily reflect the struggle, but it was certainly there. I am glad that is done.


Feb 14,

As an accidental gift to myself during Valentine's day I reach a significant milestone according to my running app: I surpassed 3000 miles.

Valentine's Day 2018

Feb 14,

So we are not particularly big on Valentine's day, but we didn't want to just ignore the occasion either. And since the girls still like to celebrate it with us, we all went out for dinner. Lionel got us pretty flowers too!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Family Lunch

Feb 11,

Today we had lunch together to celebrate that Tios found the house they wanted and made an offer on it. No pictures from the adults because we are not as cute as the kids.


Feb 10,

Today the girls and I went to see Paddington 2. It has good reviews and we definitely liked it. It was a cute, uplifting, there-is-good-in-the-world type of movie. 

Back to running

Feb 10,

Between the few trips we had, and getting really sick, I hadn't been able to run outside at all - until today. This morning was my first outdoor run in probably about 6 weeks. I knew it would be slow and painful, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be. The training schedule called for 7 miles, but the route was slightly inaccurate and we ended up with 7.5. I did walk some of it though, especially some of the biggest hills. But that was Ok. I was just happy to be back out there.


Feb 9,

Tonight my sister and I went out for dinner with a couple of friends. When I picked her up we realized that we got chosen similar outfits, in the exact same color scheme, so we had to take a picture. Then, when we got to the restaurant, the server came over and looked at me, then at Gabi, then at me again, and finally asked "Are you related?", followed by "Are you twins?". We told him we weren't, but somehow he still looked confused. 

Longing for Spring

Feb 7,

At Kroger they are starting to sell Spring flowers, even though the weather outside is not quite yet spring like. It really made me long for spring as I know there will be light at the end of the cold, gray, winter tunnel.

Another school closing

Feb 7,

It feels like this year we've had a lot of school closings due to weather, and today was another one of those days. I was able to stay home with the girls but still had to work, so they had to entertain themselves all day. Well, Bella did, while poor Sofia spent most of the day doing homework. So at 4:00 pm we went to Sky Zone for them to do something fun after being stuck in the house all day.


Feb 6,

This Facebook memory came up on my feed in the last few days. My sweet girls.


Feb 5,

This year Lionel and Bella went to Vail with Grandpa, and on the very last day they skied together - no ski school. It appears it was a short day because Bella got very cold, but they got some good runs in. Lionel sent me this picture of Bella skiing down a black diamond I have also done before.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

A blur

Feb 4,

The last couple of weeks have been a complete blur as we have been in survival mode. Sofia got sick when we came back from Florida, I then got the flu, and we have been recovering ever since.  Yesterday was the very first time I was able to run in a while. Hopefully we will be completely back to normal this coming week.