Saturday, August 4, 2018

Summer Vacation - Day 10 - Stanley Park and the perfect, perfect day

Aug 4,

Today was a sunny, warm, and all around perfect, perfect day. Vancouver is an amazing city, and we were surrounded by such beautiful views that it was hard not to smile, enjoy every minute of it, and wish that we never had to leave.

We got up a little late, and ended up leaving the hotel close to 11 am. We actually woke up before 6:00 am, because the previous person in the hotel room left the alarm on, but we forced ourselves to go back to sleep. That is probably why I slept until almost 9:00 am. Otherwise I would have been up way before that. The first thing we did after waking up was do Facetime with Gabi and the boys, but right after that we got ready to head out.

We had brunch at a place called Chambar, followed by a walk to Stanley Park. It was not a short walk, but with such perfect weather it did not feel that bad. We rented bikes to bike around the Sea Wall, which is a 6 mile loop, and stopped by one of the beaches to dip our toes and take in the view. Initially only Bella and I went towards the water, because Sofia did not want to get her feet wet, but we insisted and she joined after a little while. I really did not want her to miss out. We also made a few other stops, including one at a playground almost towards the end of the ride. It was nice not to have to rush to be anywhere else.

After returning the bikes we walked back to the hotel, which was not a short walk again, but we walked through a really nice residential neighborhood with plenty of shade. And we stopped by to get some delicious frozen yogurt, which we felt we had earned after all the exercise of the day.

At the hotel we rested for a little while, took showers, and headed back out for dinner to a Thai restaurant. It was not necessarily withing walking distance, so this time around we took a taxi there and back.  Instead of heading back to the room right away, we took a few pictures by the Panda Sculpture in front of the hotel and went to check out the Fitness/Hot Tub area on the 17th floor. It overlooks the city, and the roof of the Rogers Arena, so it is a nice space with a nice view. It was a good way to end the day. It was definitely all about the views from beginning to end.

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